Closed anquegi closed 4 years ago
This is a bit strange. The keymap is initialised in gnu-apl--make-base-mode-map
, which simply creates key definitions based on the content of gnu-apl--symbols
This would suggest to me that a key definition such as s-Ñ
is not possible. Are you able to map this key at all?
Well I'm not using currently any mapping with Ñ but I'm using mappings with Ç and º, nothings with Ñ; I suppose that you are looking for thins like this:
One is, just a causality, for starting APL-Z input. this all work perfectly:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-º") '(lambda () (interactive) (set-input-method "APL-Z")))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-º") 'shell-command-on-region)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-ç") 'anzu-query-replace)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-ç") 'anzu-query-replace-regexp)
I do not get the point but I believe that wuail is only working with ASCII chars
This is a bit strange
You were asolutly right the problem is htat I do not really read carefully the readme and also quail works with standard keyboards and with ASCII extended characters (below 255):
Note that both of these variable shall be set before loading the gnu-apl-mode. In order for changes in gnu-apl--symbols to take place one better to restart Emacs; for gnu-apl-keymap-template it is enough to just hide/show keyboard help.
The problem was that in my configuration file I had
(require 'gnu-apl-mode)
(setf gnu-apl-keymap-template
(setf gnu-apl--symbols
'(("diamond" "◊" "<")
("diaeresis" "¨" "1")
Si I loaded gnu-apl-mode before of defining this variables, and that was the problem I deleted the require and now it is working with a spanish keyboard. for the sake of completion and for other users I left the configuration for a spanish key board MAC. Sorry for not read the doc. and thanks for this great package
;;; my-apl.el --- GNU-APL configuration -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; GNU-APL configuration
;;; Keyboard manage
;;; Code:
(setf gnu-apl-keymap-template
║ ª∇ ║ !∇ ║ \"∇ ║ ·∇ ║ $∇ ║ %∇ ║ &∇ ║ /∇ ║ (∇ ║ )∇ ║ =∇ ║ ?∇ ║ ¿∇ ║ ║
║ º∇ ║ 1∇ ║ 2∇ ║ 3∇ ║ 4∇ ║ 5∇ ║ 6∇ ║ 7∇ ║ 8∇ ║ 9∇ ║ 0∇ ║ '∇ ║ ¡∇ ║ BACKSP ║
║ ║ Q∇ ║ W∇ ║ E∇ ║ R∇ ║ T∇ ║ Y∇ ║ U∇ ║ I∇ ║ O∇ ║ P∇ ║ ^∇ ║ *∇ ║ ║
║ TAB ║ q∇ ║ w∇ ║ e∇ ║ r∇ ║ t∇ ║ y∇ ║ u∇ ║ i∇ ║ o∇ ║ p∇ ║ `∇ ║ +∇ ║ R ║
╠═══════╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╦══╩═╗ E ║
║ (CAPS ║ A∇ ║ S∇ ║ D∇ ║ F∇ ║ G∇ ║ H∇ ║ J∇ ║ K∇ ║ L∇ ║ Ñ∇ ║ ¨∇ ║ Ç∇ ║ T ║
║ LOCK) ║ a∇ ║ s∇ ║ d∇ ║ f∇ ║ g∇ ║ h∇ ║ j∇ ║ k∇ ║ l∇ ║ ñ∇ ║ ´∇ ║ ç∇ ║ ║
║ ║ >∇ ║ Z∇ ║ X∇ ║ C∇ ║ V∇ ║ B∇ ║ N∇ ║ M∇ ║ ;∇ ║ :∇ ║ _∇ ║ ║
║ SHIFT ║ <∇ ║ z∇ ║ x∇ ║ c∇ ║ v∇ ║ b∇ ║ n∇ ║ m∇ ║ ,∇ ║ .∇ ║ -∇ ║ SHIFT ║
(setf gnu-apl--symbols
'(("diamond" "◊" "<")
("diaeresis" "¨" "1")
("i-beam" "⌶" "!")
("macron" "¯" "2")
("del-tilde" "⍫" "\"")
("less-than" "<" "3")
("del-stile" "⍒" "·")
("less-than-or-equal-to" "≤" "4")
("delta-stile" "⍋" "$")
("equals" "=" "5")
("circle-stile" "⌽" "%")
("greater-than-or-equal-to" "≥" "6")
("circle-backslash" "⍉" "&")
("greater-than" ">" "7")
("circled-minus" "⊖" "/")
("not-equal-to" "≠" "8")
("circle-star" "⍟" "(")
("logical-or" "∨" "9")
("down-caret-tilde" "⍱" ")")
("logical-and" "∧" "0")
("up-caret-tilde" "⍲" "=")
("multiplication-sign" "×" "'")
("exclamation-mark" "!" "?")
("division-sign" "÷" "¡")
("quad-divide" "⌹" "¿")
("question-mark" "?" "q")
("omega" "⍵" "w")
("omega-underbar" "⍹" "W")
("epsilon" "∊" "e")
("epsilon-underbar" "⍷" "E")
("rho" "⍴" "r")
("tilde" "∼" "t")
("tilde-diaeresis" "⍨" "T")
("uparrow" "↑" "y")
("yen-sign" "¥" "Y")
("downarrow" "↓" "u")
("iota" "⍳" "i")
("iota-underbar" "⍸" "I")
("circle" "○" "o")
("circle-diaeresis" "⍥" "O")
("star-operator" "⋆" "p")
("star-diaeresis" "⍣" "P")
("leftarrow" "←" "`")
("quote-quad" "⍞" "^")
("rightarrow" "→" "*")
("zilde" "⍬" "+")
("right-tack" "⊢" "ç")
("left-tack" "⊣" "Ç")
("alpha" "⍺" "a")
("alpha-underbar" "⍶" "A")
("left-ceiling" "⌈" "s")
("left-floor" "⌊" "d")
("underscore" "_" "f")
("del-tilde" "⍫" "F")
("nabla" "∇" "g")
("increment" "∆" "h")
("delta-underbar" "⍙" "H")
("ring-operator" "∘" "j")
("jot-diaeresis" "⍤" "J")
("apostrophe" "'" "k")
("quad-diamond" "⌺" "K")
("quad" "⎕" "l")
("squish-quad" "⌷" "L")
("down-tack-jot" "⍎" "ñ")
("identical-to" "≡" "Ñ")
("up-tack-jot" "⍕" "´")
("not-identical-to" "≢" "¨")
("subset-of" "⊂" "z")
("superset-of" "⊃" "x")
("greek-letter-chi" "χ" "X")
("intersection" "∩" "c")
("left-shoe-stile" "⍧" "C")
("union" "∪" "v")
("up-tack" "⊥" "b")
("pound-sign" "£" "B")
("down-tack" "⊤" "n")
("divides" "|" "m")
("shoe-jot" "⍝" ",")
("comma-bar" "⍪" ";")
("backslash-bar" "⍀" ":")
("slash-bar" "⌿" "-")
("quad-colon" "⍠" "_")
("pi" "π" "º")
("root" "√" "ª")
("inverted-exclamation-mark" "¡")
("quad-backslash" "⍂" ">")
("inverted-question-mark" "¿")))
(provide 'my-apl)
;;; my-apl.el ends here
You're right. gnu-apl-keymap-template
should probably be a defcustom rather than defvar. With the appropriate update function, the right thing can be done once a change is made to the variable.
Hi, thanks for this great package for working with gnu-apl. I'm not sure if this is a bug or I do not understand the setup
I have a spanish keyboard (MAC OSX)
So I tried to map that two variables:
That can be usefull for spanish keyboards too.
But when I tried to work with gnu-apl insert mode it doesn't work well for spanish only keys
Ñ,Ç<>, and ºª
I should change the gnua apl insert
it works well for other similar keys betwween spanish and english keyboads but for this different letters I do not get anything. Also when I tap . the spanish suymbols do not appair,
I'm using this
I'm not sure where to continue. the reason seems to use quail UTF-8, maybe is this: