lokedhs / maxima-client

Maxima client
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display font size #4

Open ng0177 opened 4 years ago

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

The max value of 24 is on a 4k monitor still tiny. Please increase as much as possible. Thanks!

lokedhs commented 4 years ago

A better solution would be to detect the DPI and adjust the font sizes appropriately. Did you configure your system to use 2x scaling?

Can you tell me how you run the program? Are you using the precompiled binaries or compiling from source?

ng0177 commented 4 years ago


I installed it via Software under Fedora Silverblue. The scale is set to 2x.

lokedhs commented 4 years ago

OK, I think I understand what happens now. To confirm, can you show me a screenshot of the application with a single equation displayed?

Also, you can manually set any font size you want by typing font_size: nn at the prompt. Where nn is the size you want.

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it works but still not satisfactory due to the tiny input size. image

lokedhs commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the update. Can you please show me the output of the following command?

xrdb -query | grep dpi

Also, can you tell me what the physical dimension of the screen and the resolution you're using? It seems to me that the text has actually adjusted to accommodate a 4k screen (based on the system DPI setting), but if your screen is very small it may still look wrong.

Also, did you set the screen scale to 2x or more?

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Xft.dpi: 192

Yes, scale ist set to 2. Otherwise, nothing special - see also on upper screenshort.

lokedhs commented 4 years ago

Thank you. It looks like all the scaling is correct, but clearly you expect it to be larger.

Since screenshots don't give a representation of what the output looks like on your particular screen, could you create a new screenshot that also includes content from some other applications? That way I'll be able to see how the scale of Climaxima is different.

Also, can you tell me what the dimensions of your monitor is? Is this a4k laptop screen?

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

It is a 27" Monitor from a desktop computer.


lokedhs commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the screenshot. Climaxima attempts to scale its text based on the system scale, and as far as I can see, it's only slightly smaller than your desktop text size (compare the size used on the Climaxima menu bar and the text inside the tab in the browser).

However, the actual browser content is much larger. I'm assuming this is because your browser have been configured to display web pages with large font size?

Question: Would it be acceptable if I modified Climaxima such that when changing font size the prompt also changes? In other words, the font size would affect everything inside the work area, but not the text in the menu bar itself.

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Much appreciate your detailed looking into the problem. The answer to your question is "yes".

lokedhs commented 4 years ago

I've been working on implementing this. However, changing the default font size in an application pane is a bit tricky, so instead all text output to the interactor pane needs to be changed. I'd rather not do that, so I'm exploring some other ways of achieving this.

ng0177 commented 4 years ago

Any progress by chance? We are back to where we left off in Fedora Silverblue 31. I am still having trouble on my 4k Monitor to see that tiny input text. font_size: nn has not effect on it.