lokesh / lightbox2

THE original Lightbox script (v2).
MIT License
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Reverse images in the lightbox #459

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago


I recently used the lightbox2 and came accros a problem. I placed a few images in one lightbox and when I open it, it starts with the last image, so I have to click 'previous' to see another picture.

Here is a screenshot from my code. http://gyazo.com/2056d57bc475f016ee12592a582ff495

http://i271780.iris.fhict.nl/designtoets/#portfolio2 Here's an example. When you click on the pictures you'll see that the lightbox will open with the last image first.

lokesh commented 9 years ago

@Sonnyluu you have one link that you click to trigger the Lightbox. Make sure all the other image <a> tags are placed below that link in your html.

Here is animated gif (2.4mb download) showing the fix: http://g.recordit.co/ZulvXHdBmj.gif