Error PHP Undefined index: UserPin at /var/www/owncloud/apps/user_otp/ajax/personalSettings.php#149 2015-08-29T17:06:39+02:00
Error PHP input to Base32Decode had a bad character: 48 at /var/www/owncloud/apps/user_otp/3rdparty/multiotp/multiotp.class.php#13720 2015-08-29T17:06:39+02:00
A new row in table oc_user_otp is created anyway for the user. In the personal area of a user there only is a blank field next tu „User Token Seed (if left blank, it will be generated automatically)“.
OC v8.1.1
Checked rights, webuser www-data is owner of …/apps/user_otp
Error Message: „check apps folder rights“
Owncloud-Log: Error PHP Undefined index: UserPin at /var/www/owncloud/apps/user_otp/ajax/personalSettings.php#149 2015-08-29T17:06:39+02:00 Error PHP input to Base32Decode had a bad character: 48 at /var/www/owncloud/apps/user_otp/3rdparty/multiotp/multiotp.class.php#13720 2015-08-29T17:06:39+02:00
A new row in table oc_user_otp is created anyway for the user. In the personal area of a user there only is a blank field next tu „User Token Seed (if left blank, it will be generated automatically)“.
Therefore I can´t use the OTP app.