lokidoki102 / pe

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Error message is too broad for invalid interview date #6

Open lokidoki102 opened 2 months ago

lokidoki102 commented 2 months ago

Steps to reproduce


add c/FoodPanda p/12345678 e/panda@food.com a/CBD t/I jd/Front End Intern d/15-04-2024 0900 id/6 months s/500 n/-


An error message only indicating the date is in the past, and not wrong format.


An error message indicating that the input is either wrong format OR in the past.

Error parsing interview date: Interview Date & Time needs to follow this pattern : dd-mm-yyyy HHmm
Interview Date & Time cannot be before today's date!



The warning should not be too broad to the user as it could give them the wrong idea on what's the error is all about.

Instead, I think it would be better if the error message shown only indicates that the input is in the past in this example.

nus-se-script commented 2 months ago

Team's Response

No details provided by team.

The 'Original' Bug

[The team marked this bug as a duplicate of the following bug]

Wrong feedback warning

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.47.54 PM.png

when I input an invalid date, 32-12-2025 1200, the feedback message says the "Interview Date & Time cannot be before today's date!".

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2324S2/pe-interim#3444] [original labels: type.FunctionalityBug severity.Low]

Their Response to the 'Original' Bug

[This is the team's response to the above 'original' bug]

As per our UG: https://ay2324s2-cs2103t-f14-1.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html#3-4-6-internship-date

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 1 45 20 PM

Reason for NotInScope:

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 16.46.29.png

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue duplicate status

Team chose to mark this issue as a duplicate of another issue (as explained in the Team's response above)

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]

## :question: Issue response Team chose [`response.NotInScope`] - [ ] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** [replace this with your explanation]
## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.Low`] Originally [`severity.VeryLow`] - [x] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** I do not think the severity should be downgraded from Low to Very Low as it's not entirely a cosmetic issue. (eg; unreadable text due to font choice, typo, or UI layout) This bug is rather related to the content of the error message not being specific which could cause minor inconvenience to the users. As such, this should be classified as `Low`. ![image.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lokidoki102/pe/main/files/655ab4fb-deb2-43dd-8443-5c44c9297890.png)