lokimve7 / Agreement

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서비스이용약관 #1

Open lokimve7 opened 4 years ago

lokimve7 commented 4 years ago

Terms of Service (Last updated on 6th Apr. 2020) If you reside outside of the Republic of Korea, the terms of this agreement (the "Terms of Service") govern the relationship between you and Applique Co., Ltd. ( "Applique" "we," or "us") regarding your play or use of, or participation in, Applique mobile games ("Games") and related services and game support applications, including, without limitation, Every Applique App or other game related applications ("Application” or "Applications”), Applique-branded websites (“Websites”), online communities for Games or social network services offered platform for Games (collectively, the "Services").

Use of the Services is also governed by the privacy policy of Applique (“Privacy Policy”) as well as the Applique's community standards, which are incorporated herein by reference. We may collect and use your content and information in accordance with the Privacy Policy. By agreeing to the Terms of Service, you are also agreeing to our Privacy Policy and any and all related policies for your use of the Services or Games(collectively, the "Applique Policy”). Please be aware that our privacy policy limits us from providing certain types of Games or certain features of Games to children under the age of 13 or less, unless we obtain a consent from parents or legal guardians of the children. Applique reserves the right to amend, at our discretion, any portion of the Applique Policy or this Terms of Service at any time by posting or displaying the amended Applique Policy or Terms of Service within and/or on the Games, or any of the Websites. You will be deemed to have accepted such amendments by continuing to use the Services. Except as otherwise stated, any such amendments will be automatically effective 30 calendar days after they are initially posted or displayed.

  1. Parties 1.1. THESE TERMS CREATE A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT between you ("User" or "you") and Applique in relation to the Services. 1.2. Eligibility of User Natural persons as opposed to any kinds of legal entities shall have the right to create an account. By accessing, using and/or submitting content or messages to or through our Services, you represent and agree that you have the legal capacity to agree to accept the Terms of Service in the jurisdiction where you reside. If you are legally incompetent or are under the age of 13 or less, your use of our Services may be limited unless we obtain a consent from your legal guardian or parent.

  2. About Accessing and Using Our Services 2.1 Subject to your agreement and continuing compliance with the Terms of Service, including any other relevant Applique policies, Applique grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable limited license subject to the limitations below to access and use the Service for your own non-commercial entertainment purposes. You agree not to use the Service for any other purpose.

2.2 You are fully responsible for taking care of your own device and Account, especially for any unauthorized use of the Service or any use of your credit card and/or other payment methods (e.g. PayPal, and/or, without limitations, other payment methods, etc.) by minors. 2.3 License covers the updates, expansions, and additional components provided by Applique. 2.4 If you are a convicted felon or have previously been banned from the Service, you may not use the Service.

In addition, we reserve the right to change all or part of our Services without any liability to you, at any time without any prior notice to you. Without limiting the generality of our rights reserved in the foregoing, we may modify our Services: (a) for technical reasons (such as technical difficulties experienced by us or on the internet); (b) to allow us to improve user experience; (c) where we have legal reasons for doing so (including privacy or other legal objections to the content or conduct of our Services); (d) because it no longer makes business sense for us to provide the relevant Service; or (e) because we have altered the Services we provide. 2.5 System Outage: There may also be times when our Services or any part thereof are not available for technical or maintenance related reasons, whether on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. You agree that Applique has no responsibility and is not liable for unavailability of the Services or any part thereof, any loss of materials, data, transactions or any other information or materials caused by such system outages, or other losses whatsoever resulting from such system outage. 2.6 Game Rules: The specific game rules, scoring rules, controls and guidelines for each Services can be found within the Service itself. Such rules, scoring rules, controls and guidelines form part of the Terms of Service and you agree that you shall comply with them in respect of each individual Service which you choose to access and/or play. 2.7 Third Party Charges: You are responsible for the internet connection and/or mobile charges that you may incur for playing the Games or using the Services. You should ask your mobile operator if you are unsure what these charges will be, before you play or use the Services. In addition, we are not responsible or liable to you for any credit card or bank-related charges and fees related to your transactions in relation to the use of the Services. 2.8. Equipment/ Internet: You are also responsible for obtaining and maintaining computer hardware, mobile phone device, communication device, equipment, operating system, data connection and services necessary for using the Service under your own responsibility and at your own expense.

  1. Accounts 3.1. Guest Account: If you use the Services without creating a Applique account, we will create and assign to your device an identifier that is similar to an account number ("Guest Accounts") PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE CUSTOMER SUPPORTS OR MAY NOT USE VIRTUAL MONEY OR VIRTUAL GOODS FOR WHICH YOU HAVE PAID IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MOBILE DEVICE WITHOUT CREATING A APPLIQUE ACCOUNT. 3.2. SNS Account: You may allow our Services to interact with a third party social network or platform, which will provide data about you to us. If you choose to connect to one of our Websites or Applications through a third-party social network such as Facebook or Game Center (for iOS devices), we may collect personal Information from your profile on such third-party social networks, such as your name, username, and photograph. You should ensure that you read their terms of service and privacy policies to understand how they treat your data and what data they might share with us. 3.3. Responsibility of Account User: YOU ARE SOLELY AND FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING YOUR LOGIN DETAILS CONFIDENTIAL AND ALL USES OF YOUR ACCOUNT, INCLUDING ANY AND ALL ACTIVITIES THAT ARE CONDUCTED THROUGH THE USE OF YOUR LOGIN DETAILS, WHETHER NOT AUTHORIZED BY YOU. You may not use anyone else's account or permit others to use your account at any time. You acknowledge and agree to accept full responsibility for all fees and purchases made through your account (including any unauthorized purchases) and agree to fully compensate us for any loss or harm that may result. Applique will not be responsible to you for any losses resulting from an unauthorized access or use of your account, whether fraudulently or otherwise. 3.4. Termination of Inactive Account: WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE YOUR ACCOUNT WITHOUT ANY NOTICE if your account has not been accessed for more than 180 days. In such event, you will no longer be able to access and/or use the Services using the terminated account. Any Virtual Money and/or Virtual Goods associated with the terminated account will also be deleted, and no refund will be offered to you merchandise such Virtual Money or Virtual Goods deleted. 3.5. Effect of Account Termination: You understand that if you delete your account, or if we terminate and/or delete your account in accordance with the Terms of Service, you may lose access to any data previously associated with your account (including, without limitation, the level or score you have reached in our Services and any Virtual Money or Virtual Goods associated with your account).

  2. Virtual Goods and Virtual Money 4.1. Our Services may include fictional currencies such as coins, gold coins and points ("Virtual Money") and virtual items or services for use with our Services ("Virtual Goods"). You can buy Virtual Money from us for real money if you are a legal adult in your country of residence. If you are a legal adult in your country of residence, you may also be able to buy Virtual Goods for real money and/or other credits. You agree that you will only purchase Virtual Money and/or Virtual Goods from us or a third party store used by us, and not from any third party. We reserve the right to charge fees for the right to access or use Virtual Money or Virtual Goods, and we revise the perceived value or pricing for any Virtual Money or Virtual Goods. We may also decide to distribute Virtual Money or Virtual Goods without charge, in our sole discretion. 4.2. You do not own Virtual Goods or Virtual Money but instead you purchase a limited personal revocable license to use Virtual Goods or Virtual Money exclusively within the Services - any balance of Virtual Goods or Virtual Money does not reflect any cash or stored value. You have no other rights, title or ownership with respect to Virtual Money or Virtual Goods. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT VIRTUAL MONEY OR VIRTUAL GOODS HAVE NO CASH VALUE AND CAN NEVER BE EXCHANGED FOR REAL MONEY, GOODS OR SERVICES FROM US OR ANYONE ELSE. 4.3. You agree that all sales of Virtual Money and Virtual Goods are final and that we will not refund any transaction once it has been made. A license to use Virtual Goods or Virtual Money is granted immediately when your purchase is complete. The performance of our Services begins and completes promptly, and therefore your right of withdrawal is lost at this point. 4.4. We reserve the right to control, regulate, change or remove any Virtual Money or Virtual Goods in our sole discretion and without any liability to you. 4.5. We prohibit and do not recognize any purported transfers of Virtual Money or Virtual Goods effectuated outside of our Services, or the purported sale, gift or trade in the “real world” of anything that appears or originates in our Services, unless expressly authorized by us. Any such transfer or attempted transfer is prohibited and void, and may subject your account to termination. 4.6. We may offer various subscription plans for Games, purchasing of virtual items or virtual currencies via various platforms, such as Apple or Google.

    • Your payment shall be made in accordance with the payment policy of the platform of your use. You may change the payment methods.
    • Information regarding service or items you are purchasing, payment plan (including yearly or monthly plans), subscription period, expiration date, and subscription cancellation will be provided to you prior to making your payment.
    • Information regarding renewal of your subscription will be provided to you 24 hours before the end of your subscription period, and shall be automatically renewed unless you expressly cancel the renewal. Please be advised that the renewal fee will be automatically charged to you upon renewal of subscription period.
    • You are able to cancel the auto renewal via your account management feature of your platform of use.
    • You shall remain responsible and liable for any and all purchases and pre-orders you have made during the subscription period, even if you cancel your subscription.
  3. Your Responsibility in Using Service You agree that, while using the Applique Service, you will not, under any circumstances: 5.1 send, post, transmit or make available any material or information that may be abusive, threatening obscene, defamatory, libelous, or racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise objectionable or offensive; 5.2 stalk, harass, threaten, or defraud other Applique Service users or any members of Applique support personnel; 5.3 use, develop, or distribute any robot, spider, unauthorized script, unauthorized scraper or offline reader, or any other cheat, mod, hack or the like, or any unauthorized third-party software designed to modify or interfere with or provide automated access to or use of the Applique Service; 5.4 interfere with or disable any security-related features of the Applique Service, or any part thereof; 5.5 damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Applique Service, including, without limitation, by (a) sending, posting, transmitting or distributing anything that contains a virus, spyware, or other harmful material intended to damage or interfere with the Applique Service or (b) attempting to disrupt servers that relate to the Applique Service; 5.6 make improper use of Applique’s support services, including, without limitation, by submitting false abuse reports; 5.7 misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information sent, posted, transmitted or made available via the Applique Service; 5.8 create a false identity or impersonate another person or entity, including, without limitation, identities falsely indicating that you are a Applique official or representative, message board or community board moderator, another user or host, or that you are a celebrity or public figure; 5.9 decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive any code or underlying ideas or algorithms of any part of the Applique Service; 5.10 modify any part of the Applique Service without Applique’s prior written consent; 5.11 send, post, transmit or make available any content or information that may infringe any person or entity’s intellectual property rights or other property or personal rights, including rights of privacy and publicity; 5.12 buy, sell, trade, or advertise to sell any virtual currency or items or Game Account for commercial purposes; 5.13 send, post, transmit or make available any unsolicited or inappropriate content or other unsolicited or unauthorized commercial or promotional content, information, or communications without Applique’s prior written consent 5.14 develop, distribute, or publicly inform other members of “auto” software programs, “macro” software programs, or other “cheat utility” software programs or applications in violation of the applicable License Agreements; 5.15 exploit, distribute, or publicly inform other members of any game error, miscue, or bug which gives an unintended advantage;

  4. Using our Services against opponents 6.1. Some of our Services allow you to compete with or against another User. You may be able to choose to (i) play against another User whom we select for you, or (ii) play against one of your contacts from a social network (such as Facebook) or other third party platform that you have allowed our Services to access and interact with. Some of the Services may also allow you to search for your friends (for example, by your friend's email address). We may also display the display names of your past opponents so that you can easily find them to play again. 6.2. When we select an opponent for you, we may either select at random or use such criteria as we see fit to select your opponent (for example, your past scores or level you have reached in the Service). 6.3. By accessing and/or using our Services which allow you to use against an opponent, you agree to your display name, scores, and other related details being displayed to other Users. You also understand and agree that other Users may find you by searching for you with your email address. Please note that we will only show your display name publicly, and not your email address; another User must know your email address themselves in order to search for you. 6.4. You will be able to connect your third party platform accounts to our community services in accordance with Applique Policy, as we desire to promote friendship among Users of our Services by allowing Users to interact and transfer information freely with others. Our community services may be interlinked with third party platforms as you register your third party platform account as an account for our community services, and therefore, our community services may not be normally provided if you no longer qualify for such third party platform service or withdraw from such platform. Applique Policy may include rules for managing our community services that govern your activity in connection to our community services, support rights of Users and/or others and enhance sound culture for the community services we provide.

You acknowledge and agree that your communications with other Users via the community services are public and not private communications, and that you have no expectation of privacy concerning your use of the community services. You acknowledge that any personal information that you communicate via the community services may be seen and used by others and may result in unsolicited communications. Applique strongly encourages you not to disclose any personal information about yourself in your communications via the community services. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in articles or postings, for hyperlinks embedded in submissions or for any results obtained from the use of any such statements or information. Under no circumstances will Applique’s suppliers or agents be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on the submissions or on any information or materials obtained through the Websites, Services, or any third party platform. We have no obligation to monitor the Websites, Services, any third party platform, or the community services, or any submissions or other materials that you or other third persons or parties transmit or post on the Websites, in the Services, on any third party platform, or in the community services.

  1. Termination 7.1 APPLIQUE MAY, IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, TERMINATE, LIMIT, SUSPEND, MODIFY, OR DELETE A USER’S ACCOUNT OR ACCESS TO APPLIQUE SERVICE AND PROHIBIT OR DENY ACCESS TO THE GAMES AND THEIR CONTENTS. 7.2 THEREFORE, IF YOU ARE, OR APPLIQUE SUSPECTS THAT YOU ARE, FAILING TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE TERMS OF SERVICE, OR THERE IS ANY ACTUAL OR SUSPECTED ILLEGAL AND/OR IMPROPER USE OF THE SERVICE, APPLIQUE IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO COMPENSATE YOU FOR ANY SUCH LOSSES OR RESULTS. 7.3 Applique reserves the right to stop offering and/or supporting the Service at any time, and Applique is not required to provide refunds, benefits or any other compensation to the user related to this discontinued Service. 7.4 You may terminate your own account at any time and for any reason.

  2. SMS Notifications, Push Notifications & Local Notifications We may send local or push notifications to your mobile device to make you aware of game updates, promotional events, new game information and other relevant messages regarding the game service. You can manage push notifications from the "options" or "settings" page within the relevant Game.



Although we attempt to ensure the integrity and accurateness of the Services, we make no guarantees whatsoever as to the correctness or accuracy of the Services, or that your use of the Services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or secure, or that errors or defects will be corrected, or that the Services, the server(s) on which the Services are hosted, are free of viruses or other harmful components. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence, or under any other cause of action. 9.2. Statute of Limitation: Any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Services, including any Services or information available through third party platforms, or the Terms of Service must be filed within 1 year after such claim or cause or action arose regardless of any statutes or law to the contrary. In the event any such claim or cause of action is not filed within such 1 year period, such claim or cause of action are forever barred. 9.3. Member Disputes: You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users of the APPLIQUE Service. We may, at our sole discretion, attempt to mediate disputes between users, but are not obliged to become involved in any way with such disputes. 9.4. Limitation of Liability: YOUR SOLE REMEDY FOR DISSATISFACTION WITH THE SERVICES IS TO STOP USING THE SERVICES. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE MAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES AND CAUSES OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY YOU IN THE 100 DAY PERIOD ENDING ON THE DATE OF YOUR CLAIM.

  1. Intellectual property 10.1. You acknowledge that all copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights in and relating to our Services (other than Content which is contributed and owned by Users) is owned by or licensed to us. 10.2. All pages within the Websites and any material made available through Services are the property of Applique. The Websites and the Services are protected by federal and international copyright and trademark laws. You must not copy, distribute, make available to the public or create any derivative work from our Services or any part of our Services unless we have first agreed to this in writing. All rights not expressly granted by the Terms of Service are reserved by Applique. 10.3. In particular, and without limiting the application of paragraph 10.2, you must not make available any cheats or technological measures designed to control access to, or elements of, our Services, including providing access to any Virtual Money and/or Virtual Goods, whether on a free of charge basis or otherwise. 10.4. The trademarks, trade names, trade dress, logos, and service marks displayed in the Services or any third party platform, including but not limited to " "Applique.co.kr," are the registered and/or unregistered trademarks of Applique. All other trademarks, service marks and logs used in the Services are the trademarks, service marks or logos of their respective owners 10.5. By submitting Content via our Services you: (a) are representing that you are fully entitled to do so; (b) grant us and our designees a worldwide, non-exclusive, sublicensable, assignable, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right to use, reproduce, distribute, edit, adapt, modify, host, store, publish, create derivative works of, publicly perform, display, market, advertise and sell your Content and any derivative works we may create from it, in any and all media (whether it exists now or in the future), for any purpose, in perpetuity, without any payment to you; (c) acknowledge that you may have what are known as "moral rights" in the Content (for example the right to be named as the creator of your entry and the right not to have work subjected to derogatory treatment), and agree to waive any such moral rights you may have in the Content; and (d) agree that we have no obligation to monitor or protect your rights in any Content that you may submit to us, but you do give us the right to enforce your rights in that Content if we want to, including but not limited to taking legal action (at our cost) on your behalf. 10.6. You must not copy, distribute, make available to the public or create any derivative work from any Content belonging to any other User of our Services. 10.7. Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright or Intellectual Property Infringement. If you believe in good faith that materials hosted by us infringe your intellectual property rights, then please contact us by accessing the Customer Center in our Services and provide the following information: (a) a description of the intellectual property rights in reasonably sufficient details and an explanation as to how they have been infringed; (b) a description of the infringing material and where the infringing material is located; (c) your address, phone number and email address at which we can contact you; (d) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that (i) you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use of material in which you own intellectual property rights is not authorized, and (ii) the information that you are providing is accurate, correct, and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; and (e) a physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that has allegedly been infringed. The notice of your claim may also be submitted in writing to our designated agent as follows: Applique Co., Ltd. 37, Sillim-ro 44-gil, Gwanak-gu, Seoul Email: Applique7@gmail.com

  2. Privacy 11.1. We collect, process, use and share your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein and constitutes part of the Terms of Service. 11.2. By using our Services, you give your consent to us collecting, processing, using and sharing your personal data in the manner set forth in our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to our Privacy Policy you should not access and/or use our Services, including any Services available through third party platforms. 11.3. You acknowledge that the Websites and Services may not be private or secure, and we may no guarantees whatsoever. You are responsible for taking necessary and appropriate precautions and security measures bested suited for your use of the Services.

  3. Links We may provide links to third party websites or services within our Services solely as a convenience to you. You understand that we do not control any contents, goods or services by such third party. We do not make any representations or warranties whatsoever about any other website that you may access through our Services, and we do not endorse the same. Access and use of the linked site or services is solely at your own risk and responsibility, and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable to you, directly or indirectly, for any losses or harm caused by your use of the linked website or services, and any contents, information, advertisement, or other links therein.

Your correspondence or dealings with the linked website or service providers are solely between you and such third party, and Applique is neither responsible nor liable for any part of such dealings. Any charges you incur in relation to those third parties are your responsibility. You understand that when you provide data to such third parties, you are providing it in accordance with their privacy policy (if any), and our Privacy Policy does not apply with respect to such data provided to the third parties.

  1. Advertisements We, may provide Users with advertisements about our Services and/or other products or services, including those of a third party, that you may be interested in. Please see our Privacy Policy for details.

  2. Assignment You may not transfer or assign any of the rights or licenses granted to you hereunder without our prior written consent therefore. However, we may transfer or assign all or a part of our rights or responsibilities under the Terms of Service to someone else without obtaining your consent and without any restriction.

  3. Non-excluded liabilities Notwithstanding Section 9, nothing in the Terms of Service limits our liability for fraud, willful injury or violation of law, or any other liability which may not by law be excluded.

  4. Indemnity You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Applique, its officers, directors, parents, subsidiaries, partners, employees, consultants, representatives, and agent from and against any and all liabilities, claims, losses, damages, expenses, and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs) that may arise from any breach by you of the Terms of Service, your access to and use of the Services.

  5. Entire agreement The Terms of Service set out the entire agreement between you and us relating to the subject matter herein, and they supersede and replace any and all earlier agreements and understandings between you and us. A person who is not a party to the Terms of Service has no right to rely upon or enforce any part of the Terms of Service.

  6. Modification You can see the Terms of Service at any time by using a link found in our Websites, Games or Applications, where you can also see a link to our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to make changes to the Terms of Service, which can be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. You agree to check the Terms of Service from time to time and when you access or use our Services. You will be deemed to have accepted such changes by continuing to use the Services. Except as otherwise stated, such changes will be automatically effective 30 calendar days after they are initially updated. If you do not wish to be governed by any updated version of the Terms, your only remedy is to stop using our Services.

  7. Severability If any part of the Terms of Service is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable under any applicable local laws or by an applicable court, that provision shall be severed, and the remainder of the Terms of Service shall remain valid and enforceable.

  8. Waivers of Our Rights Our failure or delay to exercise or enforce any of our rights under the Terms of Service does not waive our right to enforce such right. Any waiver of such rights shall only be effective if it is in writing and signed by us.

  9. Governing Law This Terms of Service is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA. Any claim or dispute with you and Applique, relating in any way to the Service or the Terms of Service, will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA.

  10. Dispute Resolution If you have any claim arising out of this Agreement against us, we strongly encourage you to contact our customer support team to seek a resolution. If both parties fail to reach a settlement within thirty (30) calendar days after the first contact occurs, either party may refer such a dispute in Seoul administered by the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board. The arbitration is to be conducted before a single arbitrator whom the parties jointly select. If the parties are unable to agree upon the arbitrator, either party may request the Korean Arbitration Association to select the arbitrator.

  11. Survival The provisions of Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3, 4, 5.3, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, 22, and all representations by you hereunder, will survive any termination of the Terms of Service.

  12. Questions about the Terms of Service If you have any questions about the Terms of Service or our Services, you may contact us via customer center provided within the Services, or at: contact Applique7@gmail.com