lokinmodar / Echoglossian

FFXIV Dialogue text translator
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Crash game in Omicron Daily Quests #66

Open EluvianHub opened 1 month ago

EluvianHub commented 1 month ago

When I'm going to deliver the "A Fertile Blend" quest and I have an active Eglo, my game closes. I'm using Google translation to Portuguese. I'm using version 3.2.2405.1413 Thanks for this addon!

lokinmodar commented 1 month ago

Hello. What translation engine are you using and are Quests translations being used? Also, if you are using Deepl, did you enable the retranslation of texts already translated?

These informations will help us pinpoint the problem

EluvianHub commented 1 month ago

Hello! Engine is Google translate. I didn't test with Deepl because I already submitted the quest. When I restart my daily routine I will do this test. The quest is this https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/A_Fertile_Blend
After I deliver the materials and the npc will speak, the game closes.


lokinmodar commented 1 week ago

Helo. I don't have those quests unlocked but will take a look into it