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Proposed fix for fail report. #3

Open manwar opened 5 years ago

manwar commented 5 years ago

Hi @Flimm

Please review the PR. This PR propose to resolve the fail report below.


Since the dist.ini using plugin [AutoPrereqs] it guessed the minimum perl version is 5.6.0 because of the line 2: "use 5.006;" in the unit test "t/pod.t". However the following 2 lines in the package Perl::Critic::Policy::TryTiny::ProhibitExitingSubroutine is using "Logical Defined-Or" operator introduced in v5.10.0 only. So the solution is either set the minimum perl to v5.10 or don't use Logical Defined-Or. In my humble opinion, it is better to skip the use Logical Defined-Or and keep the minimum perl v5.6.

      92:     $in_for_loop //= 0;
      93:     $in_sub_block //= 0;

is now looks like

       92:     $in_for_loop = (defined $in_for_loop) ? $in_for_loop : 0;
       93:     $in_sub_block = (defined $in_sub_block) ? $in_sub_block : 0;

Many Thanks. Best Regards, Mohammad S Anwar