loklak / loklak_server

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Login Page and Passwords Storage #439

Closed shivenmian closed 8 years ago

shivenmian commented 8 years ago

For #363, we decided on having an accounts system for the Provisioning process. The Sign Up page is made, the login page needs to be made. Also, the login page will have a password recovery system which connects to an email server and uses the class in #424. I will make the page and set up the server.

For the passwords we get from #357, we need to store that in a database which has an ACL (access control list), i.e not all people should get access to it. For a database we right now have elasticsearch but it does not have an ACL mechanism, so we need to figure out where to store them without them being publicly accessible.

@Orbiter views?

Orbiter commented 8 years ago

I am working on the storage right now. This is part of the AAA concept, see https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/issues/363#issuecomment-220008513

shivenmian commented 8 years ago

I'm thinking of storing passwords on the elasticsearch db, so that I can make the login page and the password recovery email server. We can then remove the file and use your storage work once I'm done making the login and the password recovery. We can just test with a few test passwords and make both of them work, then use your storage work and make the passwords secret. Also, those passwords will need to be hashed as well.

I'll make the login page, use that temporary storage and try to set the recovery server for now @Orbiter

rmader commented 8 years ago

For the browser login (via login page that sets a cookie):

rmader commented 8 years ago

@Orbiter do we have a structure for the authentication file already? Is it something like the following ok? Like objects with the userids (email adresses) as names? { userid : { password : "bla", salt : "112334534" }, userid2 : { password : "bla", salt : "112334534" } }

rmader commented 8 years ago

Ok I added a function getAuthenticationObject(request) to AbstractAPIHandler to verify logins: https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/tree/loginVerification

We still need to discuss how exactly this files should be structured, but overall this funtion should do the following:

If the function validates a login, it returns a authentication object (can be changed to something else) or null otherwise

This function should be called on each request

tldr; script simply include user_id=something and password=somethingelse in their parameters login script does a post with user_id=something, password=somethingelse and request_session=true. That will create a session on succes, which is then enough to browse around, staying logged in. If logout=true is set, a session gets destroyed. Use this for a logout button.

Orbiter commented 8 years ago

@treba123 yes we have a structure for authentication. It requires a 'credential' which retrieves the authentication details from the authentication.json in settings, see https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/blob/master/src/org/loklak/server/AbstractAPIHandler.java#L115-L126

You would need to implement a 'Credential' class (very similar to the 'Identity' class) which has a key that can be used to retrieve the credential information using a key format, starting with a credential name, followed with a colon ':' and the credential user input. Like "WWW-Authenticate"+ ":" + challenge. Or "Cookie-type" + ":" + cookie-content.

rmader commented 8 years ago

Ok, will adjust my code to return a credential. Or, to make things more clean, just an identity authentication.

@Orbiter I'm not really seeing the structure where you're heading yet. The function I wrote already contains code to check logins via session (and long living cookies can be added easily) and parameters, all things that are easiest to do from the request. But I don't see in which class it should go in the end. Do we really need Authentication on top of Identity and so on? Can't we just do the checks in one place, creating a Identity?

What's the benefit of having a Authentication and Credentials class if they're only used once to create an identity from it?

I don't want to say it's a bad approach, but if we know better how you want to do something we can help you much better. Especially to debate what's the best way to implement something.

Edit: just saw that you wrote me, sorry. But i could also think to have that all combined in the identity, like Identity identity = new Identity(request); so we handle that in one place and just care what kind of indentity we've got. I'll try to write something like that and let you see it

rmader commented 8 years ago

Just to make clear why i'm so confused, here what I think I need to do:

If i get it right, we want to use Identity for the authorization and accounting. Is it ok then that I just create the Identity right from the request?

Orbiter commented 8 years ago

No. an identity is something like an email address or a twitter account name. That is not what you get when a user logs in. What you get there is a cookie or a base64 from http-authentify. We must translate this into the identity, thats what the authentication database is used for.

rmader commented 8 years ago

Ok so i just return Authentication

Orbiter commented 8 years ago

Ah maybe you believe the translation credential -> authentication -> authorization can be done in one step because there is a 1:1 relation from credential to authorization: that is not the case. I am thinking of:

rmader commented 8 years ago

Alright, I'm slowly getting what you mean. So Credetial just holds some kind of login data? And the Authentication object checks whether they are valid? Or does Credential already check? Or is the check done in AbstractAPIHandler?

My main question is were the difference between credential an authentication lies. Authorizarisation is clearly something else. Because in the end, we just need one place to validate them. We can of course first retrieve them in credential, save them and then check them in Authentication. Is that for some technical reason or just code style?

rmader commented 8 years ago

@Orbiter Just to explain again why I'm struggling with this Credentials class:

I'll therefor first go with this encapsulated approach and we can chage it later if we come up with a cleaner solution.

Edit: I created a credentials class as you said know and somehow see the point about it. But the login process for users is a bit complicated, therefor i will encapsulte only that.

rmader commented 8 years ago

Ok, if i get it right we now have an app that can be used to put sign in data and we have verifications of logins. What is missing now (if i get it right) is:

I'll write a simple sign up servlet now.

shivenmian commented 8 years ago

@treba123 Login app has been made in #443. I am going to add the Forgot Password option to it, other than that the design has been made.

rmader commented 8 years ago

Ok, we have a dummy sign up working now (see https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/pull/485 and what @shivenmian will push), but the structure of the authentication and and of the database maybe needs to be changed a bit. Will do a bigger push for that tomorrow, need some time for that.

rmader commented 8 years ago

After reading a bit about login functionallity (for example this), I came to the idea that it would probably be usefull to make the AAA databases even more abstract. Like the following:

Edit: ok, the ID is what the Identity object is supposed to represent if i get it right

Orbiter commented 8 years ago

This issue has already 17 comments, please don't increase complexity further. Make it simple.

rmader commented 8 years ago

Ok, most stuff is done now. Signup works, login just needs some little changes (@shivenmian is on it) so just the current status:

The structure might not be perfect yet, but it should do for the moment. See: https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/pull/496 https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/pull/495 https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/pull/494 https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/pull/490 https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server/pull/487

The cool stuff about the parameter login is, that a script does need to support http_auth while the functionality stays the same and is alot simpler to handle in the code It is even used for the login without any overhead (the login servlet contains no login code, it only gives feedback. The actuall login can be done in every servlet aslong as AbstractAPIHandler is extended)

shivenmian commented 8 years ago

@Orbiter The signup is done, we have encoded the passwords and stored them. Will start on the login system now. I will also implement the Password Recovery server along with the login system after doing the JavaScript part.

rmader commented 8 years ago

As soon as the login app works, i'd suggest to close this issue and open new ones for details

rmader commented 8 years ago

Signup is now disabled by default in the config, just to not have any bots spamming us.

shivenmian commented 8 years ago

@treba123 The login page works fine, so I guess we can close this. Should we?

rmader commented 8 years ago

Yep, nice one.