lokyoung / vuejs-paginate

A Vue.js(v2.x+) component for creating pagination.
MIT License
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Active page doesn't change #86

Closed trandaison closed 5 years ago

trandaison commented 6 years ago

when fetchUsers is done, pageCount and currentPage will be updated but the active page is still the first page, it should be currentPage.

Do I miss some thing?

ojczeo commented 6 years ago

Page count should be static and passed once on mounting component. If you using route depended initial page number and also modify externally current page you should use :force-page prop.

Page count shoud be calculated somehow in that way:

sreecodeslayer commented 6 years ago

Just define the v-model for pagination. Please see : https://github.com/lokyoung/vuejs-paginate/issues/85

ditorahard commented 6 years ago

I have already used v-model but if I change the v-model with other method than using :click-handler method it didn't change the active page.

`<paginate v-if="isPaginationActive" :page-count="participantDetail.last_page" :click-handler="paginationClickParticipant" :prev-text="'Sebelumnya'" :next-text="'Selanjutnya'" :container-class="'pagination'" :page-class="'page-item'" :page-link-class="'page-link'" :prev-class="'page-item'" :prev-link-class="'page-link'" :next-class="'page-item'" :next-link-class="'page-link'" v-model="pageNumber[0]"


ojczeo commented 6 years ago

Do you operate over Array in pageNumber? In short arrays reactivity is tricky in Vue.js. You should proxy it with computed value and use for this Vue.set, for example:

import Vue from 'vue'
computed: {
  pageNumber: {
    get() {
      return this.pageNumber[0]    
    set(value) {
      Vue.set(this.pageNumber, 0, value);  

Next you can set pageNumber as model.

lokyoung commented 5 years ago

@trandaison @ojczeo @sreecodeslayer @ditorahard Please try v2.1.0. Now it support no v-model binding. Any questions please reopen this issue. Thanks!