Feature Request: Create a Login Page and Add to Navbar
We need a new login page for our application. This page should be accessible via a new link in the navigation bar and side content. When the user clicks on this link, they should be taken to the login page.
Create Login Folder:
Create a new folder named login inside the app component directory.
Inside the login folder, create a file named page.tsx.
Design the Login Page:
Implement a basic login form within page.tsx.
The form should include fields for "Email", "Password", and a "Submit" button.
Style the form using Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI to be consistent with the rest of the application.
Update the Navigation Bar:
Add a new link to the navigation bar for the login page.
Ensure the link is consistent with the existing "Home," "Feeds," and "About" links.
Also, add the login link below the side content comment in the navbar.
Implement Navigation:
Ensure that clicking the login link will help you navigate to the new login page.
Additional Notes
Branch: Please create a new branch from development for your changes.
git checkout development
git pull origin development
git checkout -b feature/add-login-page
Pull Request: Submit a pull request to merge your changes into development.
Testing: Ensure the login page is accessible via the navigation bar and side content. Verify that the form elements are displayed correctly and that the layout is responsive.
Feature Request: Create a Login Page and Add to Navbar
We need a new login page for our application. This page should be accessible via a new link in the navigation bar and side content. When the user clicks on this link, they should be taken to the login page.
Create Login Folder:
Design the Login Page:
Update the Navigation Bar:
Implement Navigation:
Additional Notes
for your changes.development