I'm using version v1.0.2, but I'm not able to clear cache as I get the following error:
In YamlFileLoader.php line 669:
The file "/var/www/html/project/ezplatform/vendor/lolautruche/embedtag-bundle/DependencyInjection/../Resources/config/services.yml" does not contain valid YAML.
In Unescaper.php line 117:
Found unknown escape character "\." at line 13 (near "regexp: "#^https?://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=(?P<videoId>[^&]+)#"").
It seems that 2 consecutive backslashes should be used to escape rather than one, so services.yml should be:
I'm using version v1.0.2, but I'm not able to clear cache as I get the following error:
It seems that 2 consecutive backslashes should be used to escape rather than one, so services.yml should be: