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Changes in chatroom name generation #9

Closed jaagupkymmel closed 10 years ago

jaagupkymmel commented 10 years ago

As some of you might know, Riot moved invitation process from XMPP to RTMP with the new patch. I recieved an email asking whether or not the party/game lobby chatroom name generation got changed aswell with that patch?

snowl commented 10 years ago

I'll check into this - I'm fairly sure it's changed a bit. Looks like it's based on a "chatKey" now.

horato commented 10 years ago

it looks like this "chatKey": "AXFdWPHVlr" :)

Divi commented 10 years ago

In the RTMP API, there is a key called "roomPassword" or "roomKey" if I remember, with value like your "AXFdWPHVlr".

horato commented 10 years ago

anything new on this?

btastic commented 10 years ago

he edited the wiki entry just yesterday:

"For example, with the chatKey h0HrnkNvAm and invitationId INVID2137627, the room would be"

I'm really looking forward for more research onto this. Does somebody know how to reverse parts of the lolclient? I feel like I want to help :)

horato commented 10 years ago

Nice, we have some progress at least ^^ Try this thing. It might be usefull for you.

eddy5641 commented 10 years ago

Using a SHA1 decrypter and inputting in: "96f56bc2e656062772f07b676e6e890c9bf5ed20" Gives this: invid2137627

eddy5641 commented 10 years ago

Looked into it, INVID2137627 is changed to invid2137627 and hashed with the SHA1 This outputs "96f56bc2e656062772f07b676e6e890c9bf5ed20" and the prefix "ag~" and the sufix "" is attached. The chatKey is the password to join the room.