loli / medpy

Medical image processing in Python
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Why I cannot load my CT volumns? #93

Closed FDSJK closed 4 years ago

FDSJK commented 4 years ago


File "", line 1, in File "E:\Program_files\pyCharm_pro\PyCharm 2018.3.5\helpers\pydev_pydev_bundle\", line 197, in runfile pydev_imports.execfile(filename, global_vars, local_vars) # execute the script File "E:\Program_files\pyCharm_pro\PyCharm 2018.3.5\helpers\", line 18, in execfile exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc) File "F:/python_program/VESSEL_SEG/venv/", line 15, in VH_data, VH_header = load(filename2) File "E:\Program_files\python\lib\site-packages\medpy\io\", line 113, in load sitkimage = sitk.ReadImage(image) File "E:\Program_files\python\lib\site-packages\SimpleITK\", line 8876, in ReadImage return _SimpleITK.ReadImage(*args) RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ReadImage: C:\d\VS14-Win64-pkg\SimpleITK\Code\IO\src\sitkImageReaderBase.cxx:99: sitk::ERROR: The file "G:\数据\451777\VH1\D0120424900001.dcm" does not exist.

It is always show the same error as above.Is there any question in my data? I really cannot find the reason, so I need your help imminently. Thank you very much!