This is just updated for the new qb-smallresources weapon draw event
Added the new event "TriggerEvent('weapons:client:DrawWeapon', weaponName)" which is the new event for smallresources as they moved it from a thread to an event that needs to be triggered in the inventory.
Pull Request Checklist:
[ ✔️] Have you followed the guidelines in our contributing document and Code of Conduct?
[✔️ ] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open for the same update/change?
[ ✔️] Have you built and tested the resource in-game after the relevant change?
This is just updated for the new qb-smallresources weapon draw event
Added the new event "TriggerEvent('weapons:client:DrawWeapon', weaponName)" which is the new event for smallresources as they moved it from a thread to an event that needs to be triggered in the inventory.
Pull Request Checklist:
in-game after the relevant change?