lolmx / Stripe

[READ-ONLY] Subtree split of the Payum Stripe Component -- clone into Payum/Stripe/ (master at payum/payum)
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Naming question #4

Open diimpp opened 5 years ago

diimpp commented 5 years ago

Hi, just wanted to clarify few things.

Original Payum Stripe Checkout now offered by Stripe as Legacy Checkout (Charge API), new Stripe Checkout is a hosted solution (Session API), but at the same time they now offer PaymentIntent API with manual web flow, which is very similar to previous charge api in terms of user experience (Self hosted payment page).

What StripeDirectGatewayFactory and StripeJsGatewayFactory do -- I have no idea.

So what I think is StripeCheckoutGatewayFactory should become StripeLegacyCheckoutGatewayFactory with previous Charge API and stripe/stripe-php lock as in original.

New StripeCheckoutGatewayFactory should consist of Session API which will redirect to Stripe hosted page and your work should go into StripePaymentIntentGatewayFactory with sca and without.

I'm not sure about web (self hosted), android/ios differences, should they be in same GatewayFactory or not. Maybe that's what Direct and JS gateways are about.

What do you think?

By the way, I've tried out new implementation (Inside Sylius) and I'm having this issue. A Card token may not be passed in as a PaymentMethod. Instead, use payment_method_data with type=card

My model is not constructed right, but I'm sure problem is either with my html template or related to Sylius. Screenshot_2019-09-11 Screenshot

Anyway, my company decided to go with Session API and hosted checkout page, therefore I'll be developing it now. I've saw using Session API, but their code is not idiomatic to Payum and it doesn't look like they plan to return changes to Payum. So maybe we will be able to support both flows inside your fork and eventually PR in master.

lolmx commented 5 years ago

Hello @diimpp !

About your error, I think you forgot to use the new js method to create a token front side Stripe.createPaymentMethod('card', $form, stripeResponseHandler);

It replaces old one createToken.

About the different factories, I would need to deep further as I only really used myself the JS one, but it looks like a good idea.

Once we got a better idea of the difference then we can definitively support both flows in the fork. :)

diimpp commented 5 years ago

I've pushed my work so far on Stripe Checkout Server flow into PR

P.S. I've gained some insights since my last message, I will write tomorrow. P.P.S. Check out new StatusAction especially, I've dropped legacy api support and wrote it only for new api format. I'm not 100% sure on all cases, but for basic success it works correctly

diimpp commented 5 years ago

By the way, apparently 6.9 and 7.0 have bigger differences, than I've expected. For examle toArray definition.

Attempted to call an undefined method named "__toArray" of class "Stripe\Checkout\Session".
Did you mean to call "toArray"?
lolmx commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your pr, i'm looking at it 👍

I also checked differences between Stripe 6.9 and 7, reading their migration guide, there are two main issues regarding our usage:

I open a new issue regarding this since the fork will be unusable for anyone using stripe v7