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handling foreign languages #108

Open jeffreycwitt opened 7 years ago

jeffreycwitt commented 7 years ago

I had some greek in a text I was working on today.

I handled it in what I think is a pretty straightforward TEI way.

<lb ed="#Q"/>Boethium, in libro De duabus naturis 1, qui
          <lb ed="#Q"/>dicit originem huius vocabuli 'persona', dicens
          <lb ed="#Q"/>quod apud Graecos idem erat <mentioned><foreign xml:lang="gr">πρόσωπον</foreign></mentioned>, quod
          <mentioned>persona</mentioned>, et <mentioned><foreign xml:lang="gr">πρόσωπον</foreign></mentioned> dicitur a <mentioned><foreign xml:lang="gr">προ</foreign></mentioned>, quod
          <lb ed="#Q"/>est <mentioned>ante</mentioned> vel <mentioned>in</mentioned>, et <mentioned><foreign xml:lang="gr">σωποσ</foreign></mentioned>, quod est <mentioned>facies</mentioned>,
          <lb ed="#Q"/>quasi <mentioned>ante faciem</mentioned>; et sumebatur <mentioned><foreign xml:lang="gr">πρόσωπον</foreign></mentioned> ab
          <lb ed="#Q"/>homine larvato qui ponebat larvam ante faciem

<mentioned> is used to indicate the word itself is being discussed. <foreign> is used to indicate that this word differs from the surrounding text.

I don't think I see anything too complicated here except the need to document that this our practice.

If adopted, this is a good example of something that should only bump the middle version number (so from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1). In other words, it shouldn't break any existing stylesheets. 1.0.0 compliant stylesheets would just ignore it and 1.1.0 compliant style sheets could handle it and continue to compile 1.0.0 validated xml documents without problem.

stenskjaer commented 7 years ago

I agree, let's just document that when we get around to it.