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Use @rend for apparatus reference on witness and bibl elements. #110

Open stenskjaer opened 7 years ago

stenskjaer commented 7 years ago

I have started thinking about facilitating differentiation between xml:id and apparatus reference for witnesses. Take this sourceDesc:

    <witness xml:id="B" n="bal">
      Oxford, Balliol College 311, ff. 148r--181v
    <bibl xml:id="A">
      <name>Oyarzabal Aguinagalde, Manuel</name>. <date when="1990">1990</date>.
      <title>“Las Cuestiones Al Libro Tercero De Anima de John de Tytyngsale.”</title>
      <title type="journal">Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale
      et Littéraire Du Moyen Âge</title> 57: 177–269.

The #A is the product of another editor. Say I would prefer to refer to it in the rdg elements with that ID, but I would like it represented in the apparatus as Aguinagalde. First I thought about using @n, but since that will very often be set (as in the case with the Balliol ms here), we cannot always prefer that over the id. I thought about suggesting @rend as it indicates the rendition of the value. I know it is not exactly in line with the idea of rend, which is more similar to the @style in HTML. But still.

Any better suggestions?