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TEI deprecated elements #121

Open lucianacioca opened 7 years ago

lucianacioca commented 7 years ago

What will happen with the TEI P5 elements that will soon become deprecated? Ex: , ...

jeffreycwitt commented 7 years ago

It shouldn't be a problem.

Lbp-1.0.0 is based on of TEI P5 3.1 (or http://www.tei-c.org/Vault/P5/3.1.0/xml/tei/odd/p5subset.xml)

Lbp-1.0.0 will always to continue to follow these rules, and and thus TEI P5 3.1.0 elements will still be available in our schema.

When we meet to decide what Lbp-2.0.0 will look like, we will need to decide what version of TEI we want to build on, whether this is TEI P6 1.0 or TEI p5 4.0.

The most important thing is keeping track of the precise dependencies we are using and to document these dependencies for our editors and developers.


stenskjaer commented 7 years ago

This is true. But to avoid confusion when we move on, I think it is necessary to take these changes into consideration, as you say, on newer versions.