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allowing metamarks #126

Open jeffreycwitt opened 7 years ago

jeffreycwitt commented 7 years ago


In this example, the scribe intends to transpose the words using the letters a and b to indicate proper word order.

TEI has an element called metamark that I think is intended for such cases, as well as marking the "carrot" pointers and other such marks.

Our diplomatic guidelines don't rule out the use of this element but we don't always have an examples or explain how it should be used.

Thus I think a subsection should be added to the scribal corrections section with relevant rules and examples for the 1.1 release. I don't think this is a breaking change, unless someone disagrees.

For the moment, I've encoded the above

<seg type="correction"><metamark>b</metamark>sine <metamark>a</metamark>esse</seg>
jeffreycwitt commented 7 years ago

Note that I think our critical guidelines can handle this just fine, with @type='correction-transposition'

stenskjaer commented 7 years ago

Sure. I see no problem in including this.

stenskjaer commented 7 years ago

Do you think that the critical guidelines should also include a note about the meta-marks? Although I probably wouldn't do it myself, it may be handy for some editors to annotate how a transposition is marked. And that would then need to be supported in the schema to be handled by processors.