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defining and documenting patterns for exegesis passages #138

Open jeffreycwitt opened 6 years ago

jeffreycwitt commented 6 years ago

here's a difficult passage I had to deal with today.

In general I think the 1.0.0 specification covers this, but the documentation still leaves ambiguity (or more than one right way to do this) But I think we can improve the documentation (or add this example to an extended examples sections of the documentation), and thereby create greater standardization, for this difficult but common example.

The passage is in question is a typical exegesis passage (in this case complicated by the fact that it is also a quote from Augustine).

This pattern is repeated in cases where an author is explaining what Lombard, Aristotle, or the Bible meant, word by word, phrase by phrase, or sentence by sentence.

We also need to make sure processors could handle difficult examples like this.

I post it here as an example we can walk through and discuss.

Probably the biggest ambiguity is whether the "quote" in side Augustine's quote, should be a quote or a mentioned. See the xml comment below.

(Example taken from http://scta.info/resource/pg-b1q16/critical, see https://github.com/scta-texts/graciliscommentary/blob/6d73258ffa6e5f89e03f688275f9f25ad4120c8c/pg-b1q16/pg-b1q16.xml#L900-L926)

<ref xml:id="pg-b1q16-Rd1e885" corresp="#pg-b1q16-Qd1e913">
  <name ref="#Augustine">Beatum Augustinum</name> <title>homelia supra canonica 
exponentem illud 
<ref xml:id="pg-b1q16-Rd1e894" corresp="#pg-b1q16-Qd1e901">
  <title ref="#rom">Ad Romanos</title> 8
  <quote xml:id="pg-b1q16-Qd1e901" ana="#rom8_26">
    ipse Spiritus postulat pro nobis
<!-- note that Augustine is actually interpreting rom 8:26 and rom 8:27, but 8:27 is not quote here, while 8:27 is actually verse that Augustine quotes below -->
   <bibl>Romanos 8:26</bibl>
   <quote xml:id="pg-b1q16-Qd1e913">
      <seg type="qs">quid</seg>, 
      inquit <name ref="#Augustine">Augustinus</name>,
      <seg type="qs">
            <quote xml:id="pg-b1q16-Qtshfts" ana="#rom8_27">ipse Spiritus Sanctus interpellat pro sanctis</quote>
<!-- would we use quote here if it is just one word? Why not? It still seems like a quote, even if it is just one word -->
             <bibl>Romanos 8:27</bibl>
          nisi ipsa caritas quae in te per Spiritum 
          Sanctum facta?</seg>
     <bibl>Augustinus, In epistolam Iohannis, Tractatus 6, 8</bibl>
     <!-- see http://www.augustinus.it/latino/commento_lsg/omelia_06_testo.htm -->
jeffreycwitt commented 6 years ago

We thinks look good, but should be added to extended documentation.