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sudo apt-key add #18

Closed glenerrington closed 2 years ago

glenerrington commented 2 years ago

you need to update the method of importing the gpg key apt-key was deprecated in debian 11 aI am running bullseye as you now support this

wget -qO - https://lomoware.lomorage.com/debian/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add - Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).

glenerrington commented 2 years ago

I want to help push this project of yours but with the use of apt-key is stopping me and after bullseye I think raspberry pi OS will not be supporting it any more

dwebfan commented 2 years ago

thank for the reminder! We'll fix it.

fuji246 commented 2 years ago

@glenerrington , you can use curl -fsSL https://lomoware.lomorage.com/debian/gpg.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lomorage-apt-key.gpg > /dev/null instead.

I've already updated the doc as well.