lonalore / metatag

e107 (v2) plugin - This plugin allows you to automatically provide structured metadata, aka "meta tags", about a website.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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404 issue with images #20

Open Jimmi08 opened 5 years ago

Jimmi08 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I noticed this with images (if they are missing)

you are caching
cid is f.e. site/e107_media/999/images/2019-06/previewfrontend.png and entity type metatag_default title page (meta tag valur) is "Error"

if I set redirection to the system not found page cached URL is (at least it's only one, not one recored for each missing image) /site/?route=system/error/404&type=routeError

Is this correct behaviour?