I have tried everything
Stopping the app
Running flutter clean in your app directory
Deleting the app from your simulator / emulator / device
Rebuild & Deploy the app.
all these steps but the icons and text on card is not showing.
also my .yaml is correct.
I have tried everything Stopping the app Running flutter clean in your app directory Deleting the app from your simulator / emulator / device Rebuild & Deploy the app. all these steps but the icons and text on card is not showing. also my .yaml is correct.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:font_awesome_flutter/font_awesome_flutter.dart'; import 'reusable_Card.dart'; import 'icon_file.dart'; import 'constants.dart';
enum gender { male, female } const appbarHeight = 35.0;
class InputPage extends StatefulWidget { @override _InputPageState createState() => _InputPageState(); }
class _InputPageState extends State {
gender selectedGender;
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('BMI CALCULATOR'), ), body: Column(crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: [ Expanded( child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: ReusableCard( onPress: () { setState(() { selectedGender = gender.male; }); }, colour: selectedGender == gender.male ? kActivecardColor : kInactivecardColor, cardchild: IconContent( icon: FontAwesomeIcons.mars, label: 'MALE', ), ), ), Expanded( child: ReusableCard( onPress: () { setState(() { selectedGender = gender.female; }); }, colour: selectedGender == gender.female ? kActivecardColor : kInactivecardColor, cardchild: IconContent( icon: FontAwesomeIcons.venus, label: 'women', ), ), ) ], )), Expanded( child: ReusableCard( cardchild: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ Text( 'HEIGHT', style: kLabelTextStyle, ), Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: [ Text( '180', style: kNumberTextstyle, ),Text('cm',style: kLabelTextStyle,) ], ) ], ), colour: kInactivecardColor)), Expanded( child: Row( children: [ Expanded(child: ReusableCard(colour: kInactivecardColor)), Expanded(child: ReusableCard(colour: kInactivecardColor)) ], )), Container( color: kBottombarColor, margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10.0), width: double.infinity, height: appbarHeight, ) ])); } }