lonetech / nolo-osvr

OSVR plugin for LYRobotix Nolo VR tracker system
Apache License 2.0
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New NoloVR SDK #15

Open Sp4iK opened 6 years ago

Sp4iK commented 6 years ago

Nolo has released a new SDK that let you access all data from hardware directly without the need of their software. I think this may be helpful for this plugin so you may not need to use "hacky" methods through hidapi.

lonetech commented 6 years ago

What new SDK? Please provide a link. Some quick searching only showed the old structure of platform specific binaries.

There are two major points to this driver as opposed to the first party driver:

Firstly, it is free software, truly open source. This means it can be fixed and maintained by different parties, in particular including improvements like getting it to run on other platforms.

Secondly, it isn't platform specific. All the platform code is in fact abstracted away by hidapi, which is what allowed this driver to function on Windows as well as Linux. It works on all platforms the first party driver does and more (for instance, GNU/Linux which I use, or Mac and FreeBSD).

ChristophHaag commented 6 years ago

Maybe this? https://github.com/NOLOVR/NOLO-Windows-SDK/tree/master/Examples/NOLO_USBHID_SDK_Examples

lonetech commented 6 years ago

Thank you. That is an improvement since last time I inspected it, in that it's actual source for the controller frame format. However, it is still incomplete; it relies on routines in NoLo_USBHID.dll, which is binary and platform specific, and in turn appears to receive traffic over ZeroMQ from Nolo's driver program, which has the hardware facing code including the decryption.

Sp4iK commented 6 years ago

Hi, sorry for not putting a link, but yes it's the one ChristophHaag has pointed. Just wanted to let you know of it could be helpful for yours.