long1eu / SpaceTabLayout

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Crash with PlaceAutocompleteListener after go from tab>3 to tab <3 #40

Open romancanoniero opened 5 years ago

romancanoniero commented 5 years ago

hi! I need help to fix the following problem.

i create 5 tabs one of them with a map and autocompletetextfragment.

the map is in tab 2.

when I navigate between tabs 1 to 3 works fine

but when I go to tab 4 or 5 and return to one of the first ones crashes with the following error: Binary XML file line #53: Duplicate id 0x7f0a0201, tag null, or parent id 0xffffffff with another fragment for com.google.android.gms.location.places.ui.PlaceAutocompleteFragment

can somebody helps me?