long2ice / asyncmy

A fast asyncio MySQL/MariaDB driver with replication protocol support
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Problem with NULL timestamps BUG #82

Open BrandoDev opened 6 months ago

BrandoDev commented 6 months ago

[2023-12-25 22:15:49] ERROR [pyrogram.dispatcher.handler_worker:253] Cannot convert str to datetime.date Traceback (most recent call last): File "asyncmy/converters.pyx", line 160, in asyncmy.converters.convert_datetime ValueError: year 0 is out of range

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "asyncmy/converters.pyx", line 270, in asyncmy.converters.convert_date ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '00 00:00:00'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyrogram/dispatcher.py", line 240, in handler_worker await handler.callback(self.client, args) File "/root/bot/tb_investing/userbot.py", line 167, in invia await cur.execute("SELECT FROM users WHERE invite_link_url = %s", (invite_link_url,)) File "asyncmy/cursors.pyx", line 179, in execute File "asyncmy/cursors.pyx", line 364, in _query File "asyncmy/connection.pyx", line 494, in query File "asyncmy/connection.pyx", line 682, in _read_query_result File "asyncmy/connection.pyx", line 1076, in read File "asyncmy/connection.pyx", line 1147, in _read_result_packet File "asyncmy/connection.pyx", line 1185, in _read_rowdata_packet File "asyncmy/connection.pyx", line 1203, in asyncmy.connection.MySQLResult._read_row_from_packet File "asyncmy/converters.pyx", line 134, in asyncmy.converters.convert_datetime File "asyncmy/converters.pyx", line 162, in asyncmy.converters.convert_datetime File "asyncmy/converters.pyx", line 272, in asyncmy.converters.convert_date TypeError: Cannot convert str to datetime.date

Steps to reproduce:

Create a table with rows with a timestamp column set at 0, then fetch it