long2ice / asyncmy

A fast asyncio MySQL/MariaDB driver with replication protocol support
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Packet sequence number wrong #89

Open MarkReedZ opened 4 months ago

MarkReedZ commented 4 months ago

Running wrk against a web page with a simple select caused my logs to fill up with errors. Aiomysql has no problem with the same exact code. I'll create a simple test later to reproduce this.

Unhandled exception:
<class 'asyncmy.errors.InternalError'>
InternalError('Packet sequence number wrong - got 102 expected 1')
Unhandled exception:
<class 'asyncmy.errors.InternalError'>
InternalError('Packet sequence number wrong - got 112 expected 1')

Using create_pool

await aiomysql.create_pool( autocommit=True, minsize=4, maxsize=20)

The page handler is just a simple select

  async with app.mysql_pool.acquire() as conn:
    async with conn.cursor() as cur:
        await cur.execute("SELECT * from table where ... ");

The wrk cmd

  wrk -t2 -c8 -d2s http://localhost/select
trim21 commented 3 months ago

could you provide a full reproduction example?

ipfans commented 3 months ago

@trim21 it's a concurrcy bug that not easy to repoduce all the time. It could be happen when your program in high loads.

trim21 commented 3 months ago

@trim21 it's a concurrcy bug that not easy to repoduce all the time. It could be happen when your program in high loads.

I understand, can you provide a minimal example?

ipfans commented 3 months ago

@trim21 I think the first example could reproduce this issue. But you may need try it multiple times

trim21 commented 3 months ago

@trim21 I think the first example could reproduce this issue. But you may need try it multiple times

sadly I can't.

import asyncmy # 0.2.9
import fastapi

app = fastapi.FastAPI()

async def startup_event():
    app.mysql_pool = await asyncmy.create_pool(

async def test():
    async with app.mysql_pool.acquire() as conn:
        async with conn.cursor() as cur:
            await cur.execute("...")

with uvicorn a:app --no-access-log and hey -z 3m -c 16 on win10/ubuntu

romkazor commented 2 months ago

Confirm. 0.2.7 same problem. 0.2.5 stable

wonrax commented 2 weeks ago

In my case using SQLAlchemy and FastAPI it always throws this error for this specific handler when querying for a large amount of rows. This still works locally for small dataset (dev database). Code obfuscated for legal reasons:

async def public_sitemap():
    async with get_async_session() as session:
        query = (
                SAC.name, # type: ignore
                SAC.s.label('cs'), # type: ignore
                SAC.ca.label('cca'), # type: ignore
                SAC.ua.label('cua'), # type: ignore
                SA.s.label('as'), # type: ignore

        categories = {}
        for row in (await session.execute(query)).fetchall():
            if row.cs not in categories:
                categories[row.cs] = {
                    "n": row.n,
                    "as": []
                "t": row.t,

        return {
            "categories": list(categories.values())

While other handlers with similar or even heavier SQLAlchemy usage perform without any issue. I switched to aiomysql and it doesn't seem to error out anymore.