longbill / jquery-date-range-picker

A jQuery plugin that allows user to select a date range
MIT License
1.12k stars 579 forks source link

Add users page in another demo page #356

Open mazipan opened 7 years ago

mazipan commented 7 years ago

I think will be good for highlighting our users that using this library. I just think to create another .html file like users.html. This file filled with logo from company or project that using this library. Sure, to get users logo company or projects we need open issue with discussion label that can be commented​ by users that wanna highlighted with logo URL and name and URL of their project/company.

We can refer how http://getbem.com done.

holtkamp commented 6 years ago

Yeah, that might be a nice addition. But would also mean additional maintenance effort when users apply. What when users become inactive. Personally I am not having time to spend on this...

What would be the added value of knowing all the users / companies using this library?

mazipan commented 6 years ago

This is open-source way. We don't need to set the responsibility of maintenance to one person. We should open to every contributor. We just suggest all the people wanna highlighted to open their Pull-Request to set his logo.

I think it's good for Us to know if this library has been adopted by some company/project. It reflected how good this library when many user has adopting in their project. It also give more reason for user to choose this library as their date range picker.

If you think okay, I will create Pull-Request for this thing, to initiate the file and setup all the things needed. Maybe in few days.

holtkamp commented 6 years ago

If you think okay, I will create Pull-Request for this thing

Sure, in case you got time to spend on this, welcome!