longbill / jquery-date-range-picker

A jQuery plugin that allows user to select a date range
MIT License
1.12k stars 579 forks source link

language issue #429

Closed pndparade closed 6 years ago

pndparade commented 6 years ago

Hello! Thank you for your plugin, it's great! But I have one question: how can I change language inside input field? Here: https://prnt.sc/j5sf2m

pndparade commented 6 years ago

Oh, I see. I should config momets.js

holtkamp commented 6 years ago

@pndparade maybe you can provide an example, so other users that reach this issue also know this 😄

pndparade commented 6 years ago

@holtkamp I just added 1 line after Date Range Picker initialization: moment.locale('your-lang-code');

holtkamp commented 6 years ago

great thanks, will see if I can adopt it in the documentation