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广西大学 - 雨无声实验室开放平台
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C.R. Fuller, S.J. Elliott and P.A. Nelson 978-0-12-269440-0 #3

Closed neemo14-15 closed 10 years ago

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

This chapter provides an introduction to mechanical vibrations. Terminology is discussed that is used in analyzing the vibratory response of mechanical systems. Mathematical methods are described for the linear response of vibrating systems. The equations of motion and linear behavior of single-degree-of-freedom systems are outlined for both free and forced response. All vibrations in realistic systems occur with some form of damping mechanism, where the energy of vibration is dissipated during a cycle of motion. The inclusion and characteristics of damping are very important to active control methods since it represents a process by which the response of a system can also be reduced by passive means. The chapter shows typical response versus time curves for an SDOF system with light, critical and heavy damping.

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

This chapter provides a brief overview of structural waves and discusses their relation to the modal response of finite structures. Different forms of waves can exist in structures. The waveform corresponds to a transverse wave where the string particle motion is perpendicular to the wave direction. Another important characteristic of waves in structures is the variation of the phase speed, with frequency. As most realistic structural systems are characterized by the ability to support transverse shear as well as having internal stiffness the focus is on longitudinal and flexural waves in thin beams. Longitudinal waves are characterized by a particle motion which is parallel to the direction of propagation. Many structures are excited by disturbances which are located off the central axis of the moment of inertia of the structure leading to wave motion which is transverse to the direction of propagation. In a relatively thin beam, for example, it is extremely difficult to excite purely longitudinal motion; the net result is a combination of both transverse and longitudinal displacements.

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

This chapter provides an overview of feedback control systems in which the control signal obtained from the sensor is affected by both the primary source and the secondary actuator. Single-channel feedback control systems are discussed, for which the compromise between performance and stability can be clearly observed. The general single-channel case is then illustrated using displacement, velocity and acceleration feedback applied to a mass-spring-damper system, and the effect of several important imperfections, such as delays in the feedback loop, are discussed. The conventional approach to the feedback control of systems with multiple control sensors and multiple control actuators, using the state variable description, is introduced and applied to a simple two-degree-of-freedom-system. The chapter also discusses state estimation and optimal control. State estimator is an electrical or digital system, which models the internal dynamics of the mechanical system being controlled. It is fed by the same input signals as the mechanical systems and has its output constantly compared with the output of the mechanical system,

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

The book presents the most advanced techniques and algorithms of adaptive control. These include various robust techniques, performance enhancement techniques, techniques with less a-priori knowledge, nonlinear adaptive control techniques and intelligent adaptive techniques. Each technique described has been developed to provide a practical solution to a real-life problem. This volume will therefore not only advance the field of adaptive control as an area of study, but will also show how the potential of this technology can be realised and offer significant benefits.

Practical cookbook of adaptive control Contains important research

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

[1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i101: Detected package: vc_mbcsmfc.msi, state: Absent, cached: None [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i052: Condition '((ProCheck_ProfessionalCore_DetectKey = 1) OR (ProCheck_VSCore_DetectKey = 1)) AND (SelectableMFC_DetectKey = 1)' evaluates to false. [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i052: Condition 'NOT((VersionNT > v6.1) OR (VersionNT = v6.1 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1))' evaluates to false. [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i052: Condition '( NOT ((ProCheck_ProfessionalCore_DetectKey = 1) OR (ProCheck_VSCore_DetectKey = 1)) ) AND (CurrentOperation = "Install") ' evaluates to true. [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i052: Condition '( NOT (SelectableMFC_DetectKey = 1) ) AND (CurrentOperation = "Install")' evaluates to true. [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Stop Block: ProfressionalBlock : Microsoft Visual Studio is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Stop Block: SelectableMFCBlock : Stopping installation. This product applies only to the MFC library, which is not present on this computer. [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Detect Completed [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Wait for View to be loaded [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Detect Completed, now create view [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:18]i000: MUX: View loaded [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:18]i000: MUX: Go to Blocker page. [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:18]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

In this chapter a new systematic switching control approach to adaptive stabilization of uncertain discrete-time systems with parametric uncertainty is presented. Our approach is based on a localization method which is conceptually different from supervisory adaptive control schemes and other existing switching adaptive schemes. Our approach allows for slow parameter drifting, infrequent large parameter jumps and unknown bound on exogenous disturbance. The unique feature of localization based switching adaptive control distinguishing it from conventional adaptive switching schemes is its rapid model falsification capabilities.

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

[1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: OS: Windows 7 Ultimate [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: OSVersion: 6.1.7601.65536 [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: OSLanguage: 2052 [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: OSArchitecture: x86 [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:59]i000: MUX: Ux Initialized [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Wait for Detect to complete [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i100: Detect begin, 1 packages [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Detection Phase [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: --------------- [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\12.0\professional'; variable = 'ProCheck_ProfessionalCore_DetectKey' [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\12.0\vscore'; variable = 'ProCheck_VSCore_DetectKey' [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vc\Servicing\12.0\LibrarySelectableMFC'; variable = 'SelectableMFC_DetectKey' [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: Setting string variable 'VSComponentPathVariable' to value '' [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Adding package: vc_mbcsmfc.msi to package detect list [1EA0:0B14][2014-02-05T16:01:00]i000: MUX: Reset Result

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

[1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: MUX: Current action: Install [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: Setting string variable 'CurrentOperation' to value 'Install' [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: Setting string variable 'CurrentRepairPackage' to value '' [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: MUX: Resume = None [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: MUX: Restart = Prompt [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: MUX: Relation = None [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: MUX: Action = Install [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: MUX: Display = Full [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: Setting string variable 'CustomInstallPath' to value 'C:\Program Files' [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: Setting string variable 'CustomInstallPath' to value 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0' [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: Setting string variable 'RelationType' to value 'None' [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:57]i000: Setting string variable 'DisplayMode' to value 'Full' [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: Setting numeric variable 'NetworkAvailable' to value 1 [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: SetupAction: Install [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: ProductVersion: 12.0.21005.01 [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: ProductLanguage: 1033 [1EA0:142C][2014-02-05T16:00:58]i000: MUX: Branch: Rel

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

Particular attention is paid to some novel nanocarbons, and the electrochemistry of adsorption by carbons is also addressed. Finally, several important technological applications of gas and liquid adsorption by carbons in areas such as environmental protection and energy storage constitute the last section of the book.

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

Except for the fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanohorns, and schwarzites, porous carbons are usually disordered materials, and cannot at present be completely characterized experimentally. Methods such as X-ray and neutron scatter ing and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) give partial structural information, but are not yet able to provide a complete description of the atomic structure. Nevertheless, atomistic models of carbons are needed in order to interpret experimental characterization data (adsorption isotherms, heats of adsorption, etc.). They are also a necessary ingredient of any theory or molecular simulation for the prediction of the behavior of adsorbed phases within carbons — including diffusion, adsorption, heat effects, phase transitions, and chemical reactivity.

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

The discovery of carbon nanotubes [1, 2] has led to extensive investigation of adsorption on these remarkable substrates. Much of this effort has been directed toward potential applications, such as gas storage and separation, which exploit the fact that every carbon atom of a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) can provide two surfaces, inside and outside of the tube, for potential gas adsorption; this corresponds to a specific area of order 2500 m2/g Early claims of extraordinary hydrogen uptake (e.g., six H2, molecules per C atom) stimulated a particularly intense effort to achieve practical amounts for storage applications, but those results have not been confirmed by any subsequent experiments. More modest uptake (0.5 molecule per C atom) of H2 has been found to occur in some experiments and that may suffice for storage and other applications [3-9].

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

The first report of the existence of fullerenes in 1985 [], and the subsquent discovery in 1990 of a method to produce them in macroscopic amounts [], paved the way to a new era of carbon science that involves curved surfaces on the nanoscopic scale. As is well known, the aggregation of fullerene molecules at moderate temperatures and pressures leads to molecular solids termed fullerites. The C60 (buckminsterfuflerene) and C70 fullerenes and the corresponding fullerites are the easiest to produce, and for this reason they have been the subject of most experimental works. Certain aspects of the solid-state science of fullerenes (e.g., crystal structures, phase transitions, formation of exo- and endohedral compounds) relevant to surface studies have been nicely summarized by Bandosz et al. [] More detailed information can be found in the (already classical) book by Dresselhaus et al. [].

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

Industrial revolution, along with development of new technologies to improve everyday life, resulted in emission to the atmosphere vast quantities of athropogenic gases and toxic and cancerogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Some of those species, as hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide, have also their natural sources such as geothermal vents, volcanoes or other natural technologies where anaerobic digestion is the main bacterial activity. But it was a human addition to mother nature, which has resulted in detrimental environmental changes such as acid rains, photochemical smog, or global warming [1, 2]. It is estimated that every year around 100 millions tons of S02 and N02 are emitted to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources [1], mainly from power plants where fossil fuel is burned. The major sources of air pollution were, and still are, highly industrialized countries such as the United States or European nations.

neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

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neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

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neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

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neemo14-15 commented 10 years ago

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