longld / peda

PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
5.84k stars 801 forks source link

run ppc32 binary => usual display missing #128

Open evandrix opened 5 years ago

evandrix commented 5 years ago

hellow.s - code listing:

    .ascii "Hello World\n"

.globl _start
    li   0, 4
    li   3, 1
    lis  4, hellow@ha
    addi 4, 4, hellow@l
    li   5, 12

    li 0,1
    li 3,0

compile: $ gcc -nostdlib -static -g hellow.s -o hellow

when run, only the line-to-be-executed-next is displayed:

$ gdb -q ./hellow Reading symbols from /home/user/hellow...done. gdb-peda$ b *_start Breakpoint 1 at 0x100000b8: file hellow.s, line 8. gdb-peda$ r Breakpoint 1, _start () at hellow.s:8 8 li 0, 4 gdb-peda$

in order to show registers, must manually type i r

longld commented 5 years ago

PEDA v1 is x86 only, pls check other forks for your feature.