As is unfortunately well-documented at this juncture, the touchpad on the pb takes shortcuts to implement multitouch functionality, submitting the "cortana" code of Mod4+s on 3-finger tap, aka middle click on civilised touchpads.
As a perfectly effective workaround, the following can be included in the i3 configuration file:
bindsym Mod4+s exec xdotool click 2
xdotool will need to be included in the list of packages for this workaround.
FYI my full i3 config can be found at, note it requires the addition of 'suckless terminal' aka 'st' to be applied as-is, but includes useful things like:
As is unfortunately well-documented at this juncture, the touchpad on the pb takes shortcuts to implement multitouch functionality, submitting the "cortana" code of Mod4+s on 3-finger tap, aka middle click on civilised touchpads.
As a perfectly effective workaround, the following can be included in the i3 configuration file:
xdotool will need to be included in the list of packages for this workaround.
FYI my full i3 config can be found at, note it requires the addition of 'suckless terminal' aka 'st' to be applied as-is, but includes useful things like:
which may have more universal appeal.