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i3 config for multitouch paste on pb11/pb14 #61

Open itdaniher opened 7 years ago

itdaniher commented 7 years ago

As is unfortunately well-documented at this juncture, the touchpad on the pb takes shortcuts to implement multitouch functionality, submitting the "cortana" code of Mod4+s on 3-finger tap, aka middle click on civilised touchpads.

As a perfectly effective workaround, the following can be included in the i3 configuration file:

bindsym Mod4+s exec xdotool click 2

xdotool will need to be included in the list of packages for this workaround.

FYI my full i3 config can be found at http://sprunge.us/CBcO, note it requires the addition of 'suckless terminal' aka 'st' to be applied as-is, but includes useful things like:

bindsym Mod4+l exec i3lock

which may have more universal appeal.
