longturn / LTT-LTX

Longturn traditional and experimental rulesets
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Royale: Attaché Unit #21

Open jwrober opened 4 months ago

jwrober commented 4 months ago

Consider adding a cheap Diplomat that comes with Alphabet called Attaché. This unit would only be able to do the establish embassy action and no others. This unit comes in handy during local AI games when the AI typically does not like to share embassies, but can also be used for the same purpose during LT games as well.

wieder-fi commented 4 months ago

the cost is the actual issue or the problem? with a lots of ai players it's diffrent and it's very hard to find a solution that would work for all the game types. maybe the ruleset might need some way to adjust to ai games, two team games or ffa games

jwrober commented 4 months ago

30 shields to establish an embassy is way too much. That is my issue. :)

lmoureaux commented 4 months ago

For reference, this is how the AI estimates the value of embassies (in units of gold):

    if (give) {
      if (ds_after == DS_ALLIANCE) {
        worth = 0;
      } else if (ds_after == DS_PEACE) {
        worth = -5 * game.info.turn;
      } else {
        worth = MIN(-50 * game.info.turn
                        + pplayer->ai_common.love[player_index(aplayer)],
                    -5 * game.info.turn);
    } else if (game.info.tech_leakage == TECH_LEAKAGE_EMBASSIES) {
      worth = game.info.tech_leak_pct / 10;
    } else {
      worth = 0; // We don't need no stinkin' embassy, do we?

This reads as follows: