longy2k / obsidian-bmo-chatbot

Generate and brainstorm ideas while creating your notes using Large Language Models (LLMs) from Ollama, LM Studio, Anthropic, OpenAI, Mistral AI, and more for Obsidian.
MIT License
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Functional queries #59

Open MatilAlpha-1 opened 3 months ago

MatilAlpha-1 commented 3 months ago

English:Hello, can this plugin intelligently retrieve your own notes library like smart-connection? Make it possible to search for a certain word A and intelligently retrieve the part of the notes related to it, which may also not have the word A appearing. For example, searching for scalpel will search the notes for post-surgical recovery, medical supply protection, etc. that are related to it

Chinese:您好,请问这个插件可以像smart-connection一样,智能检索自己的笔记库吗?使得搜索某个词A,可以智能检索笔记中与之相关的部分,这部分还可能没有出现A这个词。 例如:搜索手术刀,可以搜索出笔记中与之相关的手术后恢复、医学用品保护等

longy2k commented 3 months ago

Hi, this is a great question!

The feature you are looking for is called "semantic searching."

This plugin currently does not support this feature. I do plan on implementing this feature down the road.
