lonnieezell / Bonfire2

CodeIgniter 4-based application skeleton
MIT License
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More flexible asset naming #409

Closed dgvirtual closed 8 months ago

dgvirtual commented 8 months ago

with a custom busting separator (allowing for multiple dots in file names) implementing proposal "More flexible asset naming?" #408

datamweb commented 8 months ago

@dgvirtual I have send a PR #411 , please check if you can.

dgvirtual commented 8 months ago

@dgvirtual I have send a PR #411 , please check if you can.

I see it is merged already. Did some style changes to rerun tests on my PR. Still some failures, though unrelated to my PR...

datamweb commented 8 months ago

Please rebase:

git fetch upstream
git switch develop
git merge upstream/develop
git switch improve-assets
git rebase upstream/develop
git push --force-with-lease origin improve-assets

I don't see anything after rebase, of course I'm on PHP 8.3.

P:\MyGitHubWork\Bonfire2>php vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 9.6.15 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.3.0RC6 with Xdebug 3.3.0alpha3
Configuration: P:\MyGitHubWork\Bonfire2\phpunit.xml.dist

...............................................................  63 / 106 ( 59%)
...........................................                     106 / 106 (100%)

Nexus\PHPUnit\Extension\Tachycardia identified these 14 slow tests:
| Test Case                                                            | Time Consumed | Time Limit  |
| Tests\\Auth\\RegisterTest::testRegisterSuccess                       | 00:00:01.04   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Auth\\RegisterTest::testRedirectsToEmailActivationScreen      | 00:00:01.04   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Recycler\\RecyclerTest::testIndexShowsDeletedUsers            | 00:00:00.72   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Auth\\AdminAccessTest::testAdminsCanAccess                    | 00:00:00.70   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Groups\\GroupsTest::testCanSeeGroupPermissions                | 00:00:00.56   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Auth\\AdminAccessTest::testCannotAccessAdminWithoutPermission | 00:00:00.53   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Groups\\GroupsTest::testCanSaveGroup                          | 00:00:00.53   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Groups\\GroupsTest::testCanSaveGroupPermissions               | 00:00:00.53   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Menus\\MenuCollectionTest::testHasVisibleItems                | 00:00:00.53   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Settings\\SiteOfflineTest::testAllWhenOn                      | 00:00:00.52   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Auth\\LoginTest::testLoginSuccessAdmin                        | 00:00:00.52   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Auth\\LoginTest::testLoginTo2FAAction                         | 00:00:00.52   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Settings\\SiteOfflineTest::testOnlySuperAdminWhenOff          | 00:00:00.52   | 00:00:00.50 |
| Tests\\Auth\\LoginTest::testLoginSuccess                             | 00:00:00.51   | 00:00:00.50 |

Time: 00:22.381, Memory: 38.00 MB

OK (106 tests, 277 assertions)
dgvirtual commented 8 months ago

Thanks, did it. Ok, so now only one test (phpunit, php8.1) fails (though mine got passed on local machine), and phpunit for 8.2 is cancelled for no apparent reason...

dgvirtual commented 8 months ago

@dgvirtual I have send a PR #411 , please check if you can.

By the way, how would I take a PR you submitted and apply it to my fork to test? Could you give me some hints at least what to Google for?

dgvirtual commented 8 months ago

As I see it, the phpunit tests related to my changes are passing with all php versions (the problems are potentially in other parts of codebase). If my PR is ok, I expect it to be merged before continuing work on defer/async and other possible attributes for the assets helper.