lonsty / xvideos-dl

CLI to download videos from https://xvideos.com | H 片下载工具 😘
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有粘贴cookie的样例吗 #159

Open NicoFoxy opened 1 year ago

NicoFoxy commented 1 year ago

试了好几次cookie粘贴进去都不行,用cookie editor导出的格式,不知道你们平时是怎么拿的cookie

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hello @NicoFoxy, thank you for your interest in our work!

If this is a bug report, please provide screenshots and minimum viable code to reproduce your issue, otherwise we can not help you.

XEDONO commented 1 year ago

it is a bug . image

rcdingning commented 9 months ago

I Fix the bug, Both of these two file need cookie to download.

~/.xvideos-dl/cookie (or C:\Users\USER\.xvideos-dl\cookie) ~/.xvideos/cookie (or C:\Users\USER\.xvideos\cookie)

and cookie is like


@XEDONO @NicoFoxy