loogart / impact-canada

Canadian Government's Privy Council's Office Impact Canada website.
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Ability to add news item #22

Closed loogart closed 5 years ago

loogart commented 5 years ago

News item doesn't need to be added from within the challenge. It can be setup as a new piece of content with a dropdown for the department / challenge owner name.

djsutter commented 5 years ago

Worked on the news page. More is required. We need images; I used placeholder boxes for now. Questions:

loogart commented 5 years ago


<p><span class="label label-default">December 18, 2019</span></p> 

screen shot 2018-12-17 at 8 25 54 am

djsutter commented 5 years ago

Ok added the date and removed the two fields Sidebar and Type. The column is already full width but the cards would need to be a bit thinner to get a fourth one in. Lots of content updates needed by you guys before we go live! Images, dates...

loogart commented 5 years ago

@djsutter no need for a fourth column, leave it at 3 as per: https://loogart.github.io/impact-canada/news.html (there is some padding/margin to the right of the columns)

djsutter commented 5 years ago

Ok sounds good. Let me know if anything else needed to complete this particular item, other than content changes.

loogart commented 5 years ago

@djsutter yes! On the challenge page (e.g. http://impact.qualivera.com/en/challenges/smart-cities), can you remove the "News" nav item (since they will all go to the news page)? thx!

djsutter commented 5 years ago


loogart commented 5 years ago

Ultra nice implementation! We love it.

(1) From a css standpoint, I added several lines of css for images under #newsContent which help the image resize automaticlly - that would need to be gulped in :) (2) there seems to be drop shadow and bottom margin under the image missing:

Qualivera version

screen shot 2018-12-19 at 3 08 27 pm

Loogart version

screen shot 2018-12-19 at 3 12 46 pm

(3) The extra margin/padding seems to have returned on the right side of the container holding the cards for the English News page only.

djsutter commented 5 years ago

Made some improvements to this page, but the equal-height thing is not working too well right now. Maybe should revisit for a final tweak when we get the remaining images in.

loogart commented 5 years ago

ouh youre right, let me look at this now

loogart commented 5 years ago

@djsutter i found the issue: each row should contain 3 items and you should loop the rows instead of the items.


loogart commented 5 years ago

@djsutter it looks like it's getting fixed when I add images. I have 1 more to add and the alternate solution is to add a placeholder image instead.

loogart commented 5 years ago

@djsutter looks like adding an image for each card works, how about we make images mandatory to upload per news item? One thing i noticed with the French), can we format the date to show up as "day month year" (no comma)? Currently, it is showing up as "month day, year"

screen shot 2018-12-20 at 7 42 30 am


djsutter commented 5 years ago

Looking good! I will fix the FR date format when I get a moment and also look at the loop for rows. However, on that, I don't think we should be necessarily fixing it to 3 items per row for responsiveness. I've seen equal heights work well with a pile of items that aren't divvied up into rows.

loogart commented 5 years ago

sounds like a plan! site it looking real good. This is definitely a portfolio piece!

djsutter commented 5 years ago

FR date fixed, image is now mandatory.