lookbook-hq / lookbook

A UI development environment for Ruby on Rails apps ✨
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Lookbook fail with poor feedback (Sometimes) #171

Open DRBragg opened 2 years ago

DRBragg commented 2 years ago

This is a bit of an odd one so I apologize in advance. We're also on an older platform (Rails 5.1 and Ruby 2.5 😬 ) so I'm not sure how much of that plays into this. I try to open a PR when I find an older Ruby/Rails compatibility issue but this one has me a bit stumped.

Some background:

Previously, when navigating to /components we'd see the default "select a component" screen. After updating we get: Error at Lookbook engine root

Here's the console backtrace but it isn't very helpful
Processing by Lookbook::ApplicationController#index as HTML
  Rendering /app/bundler/root/gems/ruby/2.5.0/gems/lookbook-1.0.8/app/views/lookbook/index.html.erb within layouts/lookbook/application
  Rendered /app/bundler/root/gems/ruby/2.5.0/gems/lookbook-1.0.8/app/views/lookbook/index.html.erb within layouts/lookbook/application (13.6ms)
  Rendering /app/bundler/root/gems/ruby/2.5.0/gems/lookbook-1.0.8/app/views/layouts/lookbook/shell.html.erb
  Rendered /app/bundler/root/gems/ruby/2.5.0/gems/lookbook-1.0.8/app/views/layouts/lookbook/shell.html.erb (561.1ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3146ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `dropdown' for #):
    12:         <%= content_for :panel_css -%>
    14:     <% end %>
    16:     <%= render_component :header, id: "app-header", debug_menu: config.debug_menu do |header| %>
    17:       <% header.branding { config.project_name } %>
    18:     <% end %>

app/components/button/component.html.erb:3:in `block in call'
app/components/button/component.html.erb:1:in `call' - - [23/Sep/2022:12:01:11 CDT] "GET /components HTTP/1.0" 500 366932
--> /components

For S&G I added a catch all to our button component just to sanity check that it wasn't something goofy with my component or the preview but we still got a failure: Error at Lookbook engine root 2 If I navigate directly to a component preview (i.e. components/inspect/button/primary) It works fine and then the root (/components) will suddenly start working. However, once I restart the server the root fails again. strange

Other random stuff I've tried: shrug

I have no explanation for this. I don't know why it fails without pages but works fine with them. I'm probably missing something silly but incase I'm not and this is an actual bug I wanted to open an issue. I'm happy to add any missing context or help debug further if I can.

FWIW We're planning on adding pages so this is low priority (for us at least).

allmarkedup commented 2 years ago

Haha @DRBragg top marks for the excellent gif usage to brighten up the bug report - I might mandate that in an issue template from now on 😂

Thanks for the through explanation/investigation - that definitely is a weird one though. I'll take a look to see if I can figure out what might be going on as soon as I get a chance.

Have a good weekend and I'll let you know as soon as I've got any ideas :-)

DRBragg commented 2 years ago

I thought if I couldn't write a good bug report I'd at least try to write a funny one.

Like I said def low priority!