looker-open-source / sdk-codegen

One SDK to rule them all, and in the codegen bind them
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Security Issue with request 2.88 in @looker/sdk and @looker/sdk-rtl #1439

Open RobinShift4 opened 6 months ago

RobinShift4 commented 6 months ago

I have a project using @looker/sdk as a dependency and when I run:

yarn run audit

I get

Severity: MODERATE Modules: @looker/sdk-rtl>request, @looker/filter-components>@looker/sdk-rtl>request, @looker/filter-components>@looker/sdk>@looker/sdk-rtl>request, @looker/filter-components>@looker/filter-expressions>@looker/sdk>@looker/sdk-rtl>request URL: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-p8p7-x288-28g6

four times. I see that @looker/sdk and @looker/sdk-rtl are using

request "^2.88.0"

which has this security issue. Are there plans to upgrade?

mnahkies commented 5 months ago

request has been deprecated for years at this point - it really needs replacing IMO https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142

xiel commented 2 months ago

I case someone needs a quick fix for this issue, the cypress team maintains a fork with a fix.

You can get it into your project by using npm overrides in package.json

"overrides": {
  "request": "npm:@cypress/request@^3.0.0"
smartin88 commented 2 months ago

@xiel thanks for the solution! This works fine for me when I run my project locally, however as soon as it runs in a Docker container, it fails:

Cannot find module 'request' Required stack: -/app/server/node_modules/@looker/sdk-node/lib/nodeTransport.js

Really struggling to find a way to fix this, do you have any ideas?

xiel commented 2 months ago

@smartin88 That difference between local and docker is weird. Which package manager do you use? How are the node_modules installed into the docker container? Do you install from inside the docker container or copy the modules from outside in? I am wondering if it might be related to symlinks...

Bit hard to debug from the outside...

smartin88 commented 2 months ago

Hey @xiel, we use pnpm as our package manager, and the modules are compiled and then copied from outside into the Docker container. Thanks for the thoughts regarding symlinks...appreciate this is hard to debug from outside, I will look at that as a possible issue