Hi - I'm using the Heroku on click deploy in the readme but can't get it to work.
Slack responds with /looker failed with the error "http_service_error"
And when looking at the Heroku logs I get:
at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=POST path="/slack/receive" host=venuenext-looker-bot.herokuapp.com request_id=3d337e1f-4dbc-45b5-8478-7aeddd958c72 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https
Any suggestions? I've tried YARN_PRODUCTION=false already.
Hi - I'm using the Heroku on click deploy in the readme but can't get it to work.
Slack responds with /looker failed with the error "http_service_error" And when looking at the Heroku logs I get: at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=POST path="/slack/receive" host=venuenext-looker-bot.herokuapp.com request_id=3d337e1f-4dbc-45b5-8478-7aeddd958c72 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https
Any suggestions? I've tried YARN_PRODUCTION=false already.