lookit / lookit-docs

Documentation for Lookit project, including use of platform and lookit-api, ember-lookit-frameplayer, and exp-addons repos.
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UPDATE, STRUCTURE - Sienna tutorial feedback #436

Open mekline opened 2 weeks ago

mekline commented 2 weeks ago

Incorporate feedback from Sienna on the tutorial!

Editing study → Doc doesn’t say which button to press to edit the study (Study Ad and Recruitment) Go to what documentation currently says and make a push request When can we segment this information

Previous messages to participants → doc mentions but doesn’t emphasize where you can see previously sent out emails

Asking about parameters specific to a type of frame → the parameters of each frame is listed under each frame in the documentation, but maybe we need to emphasize in the tutorial or at the top of each page where to find that. People ask about things like enabling a ‘previous frame’ button, and if it is possible it should be under the parameters in the documentation

Confirm consent → if the consent vid is inadequate, email the participant to confirm the consent. The docs don;t say that after you get the confirmation, you can accept the original inadequate consent vid and leave a comment explaining that their full consent was received separately and where to find it

2fa → not sure if there is anything in the docs explaining what to do if you don;t have the 2fa set and you are locked out of your account, but it seems that people just go to tech-support and that works?