loopme / ios-united-sdk

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Apple Silicon (ARM64) Simulator support #119

Open Str4tos opened 4 weeks ago

Str4tos commented 4 weeks ago

Hello. I'm testing iOS Framework version 7.4.19 and trying run simulator.

Your XCFramework is built for the ios-x86_64-simulator architecture. To run the simulator on an Apple Silicon processor, support for the ARM64 architecture is required.

Please add the necessary architecture for the simulator to support: ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator.

EpanchinE commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @Str4tos ! Thank you for described issue It's correct, currently we don't support ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator It's known issue and we keep it in our plans As a workaround you can use Rosetta Simulator: Product -> Destination -> Show All Run Destination -> Select Rosetta Simulator