loosolab / TOBIAS

Transcription factor Occupancy prediction By Investigation of ATAC-seq Signal
MIT License
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Use TOBIAS with DNAse-seq data #132

Closed hy09 closed 2 years ago

hy09 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for developing such an amazing tool!

I was trying to apply TOBIAS with paired-end DNAse-seq data and I was hoping to get your feedback on the preprocessing I've modified:

  1. Merged bam files from all biological replicates, filtered for only reads mapping in peak regions, and generated a bigwig file of only the 5' nucleotide positions with depth normalized to effective library size.
  2. We had performed DNase treatment on naked DNA only to capture DNase cutting biases (referred to as Input). I then subtracted the input signal from the signals generated from my biological samples to correct for DNase biases.
  3. Used this corrected bigwig file for "scoreBigwig" and "BINDetect".

Any feedback would be helpful! Thank you very much.

msbentsen commented 2 years ago


Thank you for your interest in TOBIAS! I am not so familiar with preprocessing DNAse-seq data, but my thoughts are:

I hope you will get some useful results with this package even if it was optimized for ATAC-seq.

hy09 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the detailed reply! I did get some interesting results by subtracting the input. I'll also try just estimating the cutting bias using ATAcorrect. Thanks again!