loot / loot

A modding utility for Starfield and some Elder Scrolls and Fallout games.
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Revisit Starfield support #1989

Closed pStyl3 closed 1 day ago

pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago

In issue https://github.com/loot/loot/issues/1882 we discussed the implementation of Starfield support. After some initial confusion it became clear, that at this point in time loading plugins for Starfield wasn't working as it was known from previous BGS titles. It was only after much trial and error from many people, as well as the release of the SFSE plugin Plugins.txt Enabler, that support for Starfield was ready to be released in LOOT v0.22.0.

Shortly after however @ElminsterAU and others from the xEdit team discovered that Starfield had deeper routing issues, which led to this news article on Nexus, and LOOT disabling the sorting feature for Starfield in LOOT v0.22.1 (we also had a discussion for this on our Discord server here).

On the 9th of June 2024, BGS released their June 24 Update, which means that Creations and the Creation Kit are now available, as well as that Plugins.txt is also working now.

Fully supporting Starfield with LOOT would be ideal - it remains to be seen, if it can be done. Let's revisit the situation within this new issue.

pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago

So far these were the official plugins:


With the new game version there is one more official base game plugin:


This is the free part of Trackers Alliance. There is a Creation available that expands on this.

Since I own the premium version of the game, I automatically received 1000 CC (Creation Credits), which I've used to buy

I've also downloaded the free Creations:

My Plugins.txt in %localappdata%\Starfield\ currently looks like this

# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.

It seems that a Starfield.ccc file doesn't exist.

pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago

xEdit v4.1.5g is available on xEdit's Discord server, in the xedit-builds channel here

  • interim build to add minimal support for new Starfield release
  • no updated what's new
  • no correct support for mid masters (they will load as full in this version
  • a proper build will follow in the future
pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago


The workflow in Starfield now is:

pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago

Nexus - Starfield Creation Kit is now available

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

Info that may be helpful:

Previously, it was reported that the BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm was not locked in place and could be adjusted in the load order with plugins.txt. However, this update has made it so that this plugin is forcibly removed from the plugins.txt by the game, so adjusting its load position is no longer possible.

There were also some format changes to the save files, though I don't know if that info is relevant to LOOT.

pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago


There were also some format changes to the save files, though I don't know if that info is relevant to LOOT.

Format changes to save files shouldn't be relevant to LOOT.

LOOT currently uses these icons:

Master Plugin Light Plugin
grafik grafik

For Starfield it might be necessary to rename these to Full Master and Small Master, and also add a new icon and name it Medium Master.

Doing this would mean, besides that we are in line with how the CK describes them, that plugins should only be assigned one of these icons at a time - so far it is possible for a plugin to have both icons, i.e. 'Master Plugin' and 'Light Plugin' (the example below is from SSE).


Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

I think master files are still distinct as it's possible to have medium/light flagged ESPs. It's just that they're not well supported and all plugins 'should' be saved as ESMs. Basically an ESM is a master, but it COULD be saved 'small' or 'medium'. I'm assuming ESP files can also still be flagged as masters, light, or medium as well, though there's little reason to do so. It might happen.

Logistically it may make more sense to retain the master icon but change the light icon to something like a pie which is 1/4, 1/2, or full - to represent the different plugin types.

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

I've downloaded the Creation Kit and had it sitting open for a couple of days ( and I noticed it eats all my CPU when it loads) - I might be able to start looking into this tomorrow evening. As an initial to do list:

I've probably forgotten things that should be in that list, it's a while since I thought about Starfield. If you think of anything not there, please let me know!

sibir-ine commented 3 weeks ago

A few observations re Creations: it looks like the 4 Creations/DLC bundled with the game (SFBGS00{3,6,7,8}) are hardcoded to load. The other Creations, however, aren't, & it looks like you can disable them & change their load order in the Creations menu. Presumably, that means the .ccc file has been superseded.

It looks like BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm's load order is indeed hardcoded now, but the 4 small masters behave weirdly (haven't looked at the medium masters). If they're present in plugins.txt, they're eventually purged from the file after game load, but the game does appear to respect their relative order within the small master block (no idea relative to other types of masters) as defined by plugins.txt for that session. However, when they're not present, they'll load after all other official small master Creations (e.g., the 3 free ones). I still need to test if they load after unofficial small master Creations.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

They are. The hard-coded small masters always load after all other small masters. Which is completely bizarre.

So you will end up with:

I honestly have to wonder if this is a bug because it makes no sense, although I have no idea how defining a core light master as a dependency would affect this final load order.

To be clear I can't say for sure how custom medium masters fit into this as I don't have any in my list. Is there a known Creation that's a medium master?

sibir-ine commented 3 weeks ago

To be clear I can't say for sure how custom medium masters fit into this as I don't have any in my list. Is there a known Creation that's a medium master?

Yes, Trackers Alliance: The Vulture.

sibir-ine commented 3 weeks ago

It appears that since sfta01.esm has SFBGS003.esm as a master, it does indeed load after it, but SFBGS006.esm loads after sfta01.esm. Not sure if there's a medium master Creation that doesn't have either as a master to confirm that SFBGS003.esm loads after it.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

So I think the most likely scenario here is that core light and medium plugins will either load immediately before the earliest plugin that has them as a master, or after other custom / creation plugins in the plugins.txt.

Again, bizarre.

pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago

Material Symbols & Icons - Google Fonts

For Medium Masters, how about using one of the following two icons?

Radio Button Partial Star Half
grafik grafik
pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago

Investigate whether it's now feasible to enable sorting for Starfield - it was disabled in 3abad01 because of instability of FormIDs across changes between plugin flags, but it seems Bethesda's official stance on that is basically to ignore the problem, we might need to do the same and just have a message advising users not to make such changes.

I would suggest adding a global message through prelude & masterlist.

For example, following the statement that Bethesda provided the Nexus with (see this news article)


##### Global Anchors #####
  - &changeUnsupported
    type: say
      - lang: en
        text: 'Changing the type of an existing plugin isn''t supported. Additional details are provided [here]({0}).'
    subs: [ 'url' ]

The url could lead to somewhere in our documentation, perhaps to a new bullet point under Help here which for example could be named "Changing Plugin types in Starfield". In that page we could display Bethesda's detailed statement from Nexus' news article (I've asked @Pickysaurus if that would be okay, to which he agreed) and provide some additional context.

Then, we could add this to the masterlist:


  # Global Anchors
    - &changeUnsupported
      type: say
      content: 'Changing the type of an existing plugin isn''t supported. Additional details are provided [here]({0}).'
      subs: [ 'url' ]

# Unsupported Plugin type change
  - *changeUnsupported
pStyl3 commented 3 weeks ago

In addition to the above message, I think that it would be beneficial to add another message anchor, non-global in this case, that can be assigned to Starfield plugins, where it has been found, that a plugin type change has occured after release/publishing of the mod in question.


##### Message Anchors #####

  # Subs can be Full Master, Medium Master or Small Master
  - &unsupportedChangeVerified
    type: say
      - lang: en
        text: 'This plugin has been changed from **{0}** to **{1}**.'
      - 'Previous Type'
      - 'Type'

This message should likely be of type say instead of warn or error, since this plugin type change only becomes an issue, if other plugins use a plugin with a changed type as master .. and since there's no reliable way to know, if there are such plugins, I'd say it's better to keep this message neutral.

Then in the masterlist we could write:


  # Message Anchors
    - &unsupportedChangeVerified
      type: say
      content: 'This plugin has been changed from **{0}** to **{1}**.'
      subs: [ '' ]

  - name: 'Example.esm'
      - <<: *unsupportedChangeVerified
          - 'Full Master'
          - 'Medium Master'
        condition: 'checksum("Example.esm", 6FFE25B7)'
Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

As per some additional testing and discussions, it seems plugins.txt is processed before anything else.

It processes each plugin and loads their masters in reverse order as defined in the header.

Typically this leads to Starfield.esm loading first but you can actually force a different plugin to load first if it doesn't have Starfield.esm in its dependency chain.

It'll process all plugins.txt plugins this way, and if any core plugin is left unloaded, they will then be loaded at the end in a preset order.

It's possible to create a plugin at the top of your load order that will force the core plugins to load first in whatever order seems ideal.

Do with that what you will.

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

I've started to look into Starfield support again, though my time is limited so I don't expect to get much done until some time next week.

I've updated esplugin to expose the medium plugin flag, and I'm now taking a look at what needs to be changed in libloadorder - it needs to know about which Data folder(s) to load plugins from, which plugins are hardcoded, the CCC file (which is still read by the game, IDK if it's used though), which plugins are not hardcoded but are implicitly active (hardcoded plugins load before all others, implicitly active load after all in plugins.txt).

I'm currently looking into how the Data folder in the My Games directory is used, as plugins there are still read by the game, but they don't appear in the in-game load order menu - next I'll try manually adding them to plugins.txt and see if they actually get loaded.

I think the approach I'll take with the new focus on ESMs is that LOOT will still recognise ESPs, whether or not they've got flags (so you could have full/medium/small ESPs as well as ESMs), but we can have warnings that get shown for all installed ESPs since they're no longer recommended for non-dev use.

Thanks for all the info so far!

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

which plugins are not hardcoded but are implicitly active

I'm pretty sure the answer to this is all of them. The game removes all of these 'implicity active' plugins from plugins.txt as well, though it may adhere to that load order for that session. So the only reason anything loads before plugins.txt is because of the dependency chain. Even Starfield.esm can be coopted by making a plugin that does not have any masters.

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

Looks like Starfield.ccc is still used if it exists (I haven't checked where its plugins load relative to those in plugins.txt), and it's loaded from the game path and also Starfield's My Games folder (which takes precedence).

Starfield still reads plugins in My Games\Starfield\Data, but they don't actually get loaded (I can't see their records in-game), so I'm not sure what's going on there.

The ini's sTestFile<N> entries still work like they do in Fallout 4, disabling plugins.txt and Starfield.ccc if present.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

Starfield still reads plugins in My Games\Starfield\Data, but they don't actually get loaded (I can't see their records in-game), so I'm not sure what's going on there.

This sounds like a bug. Apparently MO2 works around this by virtualizing both locations. Presumably it would 'see' the plugins in My Games but for some reason only loads them from game Data. Since they don't exist there, they don't load.

I was under the impression that the game would prioritize My Games if it existed and only read files from game Data if it wasn't there. Is this no longer the case?

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

I was under the impression that the game would prioritize My Games if it existed and only read files from game Data if it wasn't there. Is this no longer the case?

It seems so, in the initial release version of Starfield it would load plugins from My Games, but 1.12.30 and the just-released 1.12.32 don't.

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

The plot thickens: I had a test.esp in My Games and a test.esp in the normal Data folder, and I was trying to add an item that was added by the latter plugin, but the game did not recognise the item's record until I renamed the test.esp in the My Games folder. However, the game didn't warn about the plugin being missing (even though it was recorded in the save I loaded), and didn't remove it from plugins.txt.

That's got to be a bug, it makes no sense.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

Wait.. so it was loading the My Games plugin, but only if it also existed in Data? That's truly bizarre.

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

Wait.. so it was loading the My Games plugin, but only if it also existed in Data? That's truly bizarre.

No, the other way around, it was loading the plugin but only if it wasn't in My Games.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

Strange. I'm not sure how to square that with MO2 because the game technically sees files in both locations (they happen to be the same file), but the plugins appear to be loading just fine.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

I am curious about the Starfield.ccc. Whether it actually loads plugins and where they get loaded. That's potentially another community 'solution' to the weirdness with core plugins if they still load before plugins.txt.

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

Strange. I'm not sure how to square that with MO2 because the game technically sees files in both locations (they happen to be the same file), but the plugins appear to be loading just fine.

How does MO2's virtual filesystem present those directories to the game though? That might affect the behaviour you see.

I am curious about the Starfield.ccc. Whether it actually loads plugins and where they get loaded. That's potentially another community 'solution' to the weirdness with core plugins if they still load before plugins.txt.

Yes, Starfield.ccc is used, see here.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

How does MO2's virtual filesystem present those directories to the game though? That might affect the behaviour you see.

The core Windows APIs are hooked so when the game looks for files it sees all of the mod files. This happens both for the My Game and the core Data directory. If it tries to open a file, we intercept that and return a handle to the mod file. The game simply thinks it's seeing files in both locations. Though again, it ends up being the same file.

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

@Silarn My mistake, I think I had two test plugins with the same name and different content before...

On retesting, if my test plugin is only in My Games, the game complains that it's missing when I try to load a save that depends on it, but if it's present in My Games and the normal Data folder, the save loads without complaint and I'm able to use player.additem with the item added by that plugin, so plugins in My Games don't block plugins in the normal Data folder being loaded.

I think that matches up with your experience with MO2, right?

Given what I saw before, it might be that plugins in My Games are only loaded if a file with the same name is present in the normal Data folder, and if so the former take precedence over the latter.

Silarn commented 3 weeks ago

That may be the case. So for some reason plugins must exist in the game Data but if present in both locations it loads from My Games. :shrug:

Ortham commented 3 weeks ago

Yep, I changed the name of the item added by the plugin in My Games and that's the name that showed up when I added the item in game, so My Games plugins override Data plugins but don't load if there's no Data plugin to override.

pStyl3 commented 2 weeks ago

Ref: Discussion on xEdit's Discord server, in the ck-modding channel here.

Regarding the message that should warn people to not use .esp plugins, we could do the following:


##### Global Anchors #####
  - &espError
    type: error
      - lang: en
        text: '{0} does not support the usage of **{1}** plugins ingame, but your load order contains such plugins. In order to avoid irreversible damage to your game, it is recommended to not use **{1}** plugins.'
      - 'Game'
      - 'File extension'
    condition: 'file("([^\.]+\.esp)")'


  # Global Anchors
    - &espError
      type: error
      content: '{0} does not support the usage of **{1}** plugins ingame, but your load order contains such plugins. In order to avoid irreversible damage to your game, it is recommended to not use **{1}** plugins.'

# File extension .esp
  - <<: *espError
      - 'Starfield'
      - '.esp'
    condition: 'file("([^\.]+\.esp)")'
Ortham commented 2 weeks ago

I've filed Ortham/esplugin#42 for tracking how to resolve plugin FormIDs, which I think is easily the biggest blocker to properly supporting Starfield that I know of.

pStyl3 commented 1 week ago

With the introduction of &unsupportedChangeVerified we now are able to assign a message to Starfield plugins, for when it is found that the plugin in question has changed it's master type - while the plugin is still "self-consistent".

While talking to Ortham about this, we came to the conclusion that another message is needed, for the case where a plugin adds new records that have FormIDs that don't match the plugin's flag. I would suggest the following non-global message:

  - &mismatchedFormIDs
    type: error
      - lang: en
        text: 'This plugin is a **{0}**, but it contains FormIDs that do not match this type of Master. Using this plugin would have unpredictable consequences for your game and is therefore not recommended.'
      - 'Master Type'

{0} could be once again Full Master, Medium Master or Small Master. Notice that this time and in comparison to &unsupportedChangeVerified the message type is error and not warn.

Ortham commented 1 week ago

The starfield branch now has a build that should be functional, in that it should support medium plugins and sorting Starfield load orders, with the following caveats:

Given how much has changed with Starfield relative to its initial release and to earlier games, I'm not super confident that I've understood all the relevant changes or correctly implemented that understanding, so if people could poke around and report any unexpected behaviour that would be great.

pStyl3 commented 1 week ago

Using loot_0.22.4-57-g420723f_starfield-win64.7z here's a first screenshot:


On first glance there are no major hiccups, though it needs more testing. Sorting worked, but the Starfield masterlist needs to receive a number of updates.

The filter Hide Creation Club plugins is still getting displayed .. should we disable that filter for Starfield?

Ortham commented 1 week ago

The filter Hide Creation Club plugins is still getting displayed .. should we disable that filter for Starfield?

It's not hidden for games that don't have a Creation Club, but hiding it would make sense.

Ortham commented 1 week ago

I've just pushed another couple of commits that finish replacing light plugin with small plugin for Starfield, and also consistently use "full plugin" to refer to non-light, non-medium plugins in all games that support light plugins, as before LOOT inconsistently referred to them as "regular" or "normal", and in the absence of an official term for them in earlier games I think we might as well use "full".

pStyl3 commented 1 week ago

The Nexus has introduced new modpage tags for Full/Medium/Small Masters, which can be used to quickly find, identify & test mods containing plugins for each type.

Plugin - Full Master Plugin - Medium Master Plugin - Small Master

Ortham commented 6 days ago

I've now released libloot v0.23.0 with support for Starfield's medium plugins and the game's current load order behaviour, and I've merged most of the corresponding LOOT changes to the master branch.

While I've got lots of tests and I couldn't spot anything obviously broken in manual testing, given how much has changed with Starfield, I'm not super confident that I haven't missed anything important. It might just be a case of releasing it and then refining it based on feedback from a wider pool of users, especially as it's still early days for the Starfield modding community.

Still to do:

If there's anything else you can think of, please let me know!

Ortham commented 4 days ago

I've created new icons for light, small and medium plugins. For light plugins, the icon is now a feather:


For small and medium plugins, I tried to go for boxes of varying size:


pStyl3 commented 4 days ago

The feather icon is great, it suits the light term.

The new box icons on their own are good as well, but I kinda think that they look a bit too similar. Maybe something like this could be done?


pStyl3 commented 4 days ago

@Silarn Does MO2 v2.5.2 dev5 automatically apply a Starfield.ccc file? Because if I run LOOT through MO2, my LOOTDebugLog.txt includes [06:14:59.141466] [debug]: Using CCC file at D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Starfield.ccc

However, I do not have a Starfield.ccc in my Data root folder. And when I run LOOT by itself, LOOT doesn't log a Starfield.ccc file, as I would expect it.

Silarn commented 4 days ago

Yes, that was implemented in dev3, although it can be turned off.

  • Implement automatic Starfield.ccc generation to fix base game plugin load order
    • Core game plugins currently load after plugins.txt unless required by another plugin
    • CCC file virtualized from profile directory, generated on refresh and when executable is run
    • Can be disabled in the Starfield plugin settings (but your plugin load order will probably be wrong)
Ortham commented 4 days ago

The new box icons on their own are good as well, but I kinda think that they look a bit too similar. Maybe something like this could be done?

What do you think of this?


or with lighter shading:


pStyl3 commented 3 days ago

or with lighter shading:

I would say this version looks fine.

pStyl3 commented 3 days ago

If MO2 automatically applies Starfield.ccc then we should at least discuss the difference in LOOTs sorting result.

Because for me LOOT sorts the base plugins, if run by itself. like this:


That's with the following metadata in place through the masterlist:

  - name: 'Starfield.esm'
    group: *mainGroup
  - name: 'Constellation.esm'
    group: *mainGroup
  - name: 'OldMars.esm'
    group: *mainGroup
  - name: 'BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm'
    group: *mainGroup
  - name: 'SFBGS003.esm'
    group: *mainGroup
  - name: 'SFBGS006.esm'
    group: *mainGroup
  - name: 'SFBGS007.esm'
    group: *mainGroup
  - name: 'SFBGS008.esm'
    group: *mainGroup

mainGroup is the earliest loading group, even before default.

If LOOT is run through MO, the base plugins are sorted like this:


Ortham commented 3 days ago

I want to retest the order that the official plugins load in by default, but FWIW while I don't think it actually matters, the second order looks more "correct" to me.

Ortham commented 3 days ago

The fact that Starfield will remove the official plugins from plugins.txt is a problem though, as it means LOOT can't actually set their load order for more than one game load. As I see it, there are two options:

I think the first approach makes more sense given that despite the game's default behaviour these plugins should probably load early, not late.

@Silarn if LOOT is run through MO2 and writes to My Games\Starfield\Starfield.ccc, what effect would that have when taking into account the filesystem virtualisation?