looztra / asdf-stern

stern (https://github.com/wercker/stern) plugin for asdf
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

test: add default bats test #9

Closed looztra closed 3 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

sh-checker report

shellcheck output ``` No errors or shellcheck is disabled ```

The files above have some shellcheck issues

shfmt output ``` --- bin/install.orig +++ bin/install @@ -1,208 +1,206 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -o pipefail # https://github.com/stern/stern/releases/download/v1.12.1/stern_1.12.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz # https://github.com/stern/stern/releases/download/v1.12.1/stern_1.12.1_darwin_amd64.tar.gz readonly NO_BINARY_ALTNAME=@@UNDEFINED@@ # shellcheck disable=SC2034 readonly g_github_coordinates=stern/stern readonly g_binary_name=stern readonly g_binary_altname="$NO_BINARY_ALTNAME" # # available : __VERSION__/__VERSION_SHORT__/__BINARY_NAME__/__PLATFORM__ # readonly g_filename_template=__BINARY_NAME_____VERSION_____PLATFORM__.tar.gz # # available : __GITHUB_COORDINATES__/__VERSION__/__VERSION_SHORT__/__FILENAME__ # # shellcheck disable=SC2034 readonly g_download_url_template=https://github.com/__GITHUB_COORDINATES__/releases/download/v__VERSION__/__FILENAME__ # # available : __ARCHIVE_DIR__/__BINARY_NAME__/__VERSION__/__VERSION_SHORT__/__PLATFORM__ # readonly g_binary_path_in_archive_template=__ARCHIVE_DIR__/__BINARY_NAME_____VERSION_____PLATFORM__/__BINARY_NAME__ readonly g_downloaded_file_is_not_an_archive=false readonly g_platform_pattern=uname_l_underscore_amd64 # one of uname_c_x86_64|uname_l_dash_amd64|uname_l_underscore_amd64|custom # Borrowed to someone, but I don't remember who it was, sorry :( # Print message $2 with log-level $1 to STDERR, colorized if terminal # log DEBUG "DOCKER_HOST ${DOCKER_HOST}" function log() { local level=${1?} shift local code local line code='' line="[$(date '+%F %T')] $level: $*" if [ -t 2 ]; then case "$level" in INFO) code=36 ;; DEBUG) code=35 ;; WARN) code=33 ;; ERROR) code=31 ;; *) code=37 ;; esac echo -e "\e[${code}m${line} \e[94m(${FUNCNAME[1]})\e[0m" else echo "$line" fi >&2 } # from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4023830/how-to-compare-two-strings-in-dot-separated-version-format-in-bash function vercomp() { if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]]; then return 0 fi local IFS=. # shellcheck disable=SC2206 local i ver1=($1) ver2=($2) # fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros for ((i = ${#ver1[@]}; i < ${#ver2[@]}; i++)); do ver1[i]=0 done for ((i = 0; i < ${#ver1[@]}; i++)); do if [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]]; then # fill empty fields in ver2 with zeros ver2[i]=0 fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]})); then return 1 fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]})); then return 2 fi done return 0 } install_tool() { local install_type=$1 local version=$2 local install_path=$3 local tmp_download_dir=$4 local binary_name=$5 local binary_alt_name=$6 local downloaded_file_is_not_an_archive=$7 local platform local bin_install_path="$install_path/bin" local full_path_to_binary="$bin_install_path/${binary_name}" local full_path_to_alt_binary if [[ -n "$binary_alt_name" || "$binary_alt_name" == "$NO_BINARY_ALTNAME" ]]; then full_path_to_alt_binary="$bin_install_path/${binary_alt_name}" fi local download_url local download_target_file local download_sub_path_dir if [[ "$install_type" != "version" ]]; then log ERROR "Install of type [$install_type] not supported" fi platform=$(get_platform) download_url=$(get_download_url "$version" "$platform" "$binary_name") download_sub_path_dir=$tmp_download_dir/sub mkdir -p "$download_sub_path_dir" download_target_file="$download_sub_path_dir/"$(get_filename "$version" "$platform" "$binary_name") log INFO "Downloading [${binary_name}] from ${download_url} to ${download_target_file}" curl --location --output "$download_target_file" "$download_url" log INFO "Creating bin directory [${bin_install_path}]" mkdir -p "${bin_install_path}" log INFO "Cleaning previous binaries if any" rm -f "$full_path_to_binary" 2>/dev/null || true if [[ -n "$binary_alt_name" ]]; then rm -f "$full_path_to_alt_binary" 2>/dev/null || true fi if [[ "$downloaded_file_is_not_an_archive" != "true" ]]; then log INFO "Extracting archive" tar xpf "$download_target_file" -C "$tmp_download_dir" else log INFO "Preparing downloaded file" cp "$download_target_file" "$tmp_download_dir" fi log INFO "Copying binaries" cp "$(get_binary_path_in_archive "${tmp_download_dir}" "${binary_name}" "${version}" "${platform}")" "${full_path_to_binary}" chmod +x "${full_path_to_binary}" if [[ -n "$binary_alt_name" ]]; then cp "${full_path_to_binary}" "${full_path_to_alt_binary}" chmod +x "${full_path_to_alt_binary}" fi } get_version_short() { local version=$1 echo "$version" | tr -d "v" } get_binary_path_in_archive() { local archive_dir=$1 local binary_name=$2 local version=$3 local platform=$4 local version_short version_short=$(get_version_short "$version") echo $g_binary_path_in_archive_template | sed "s|__ARCHIVE_DIR__|${archive_dir}|g;s|__BINARY_NAME__|${binary_name}|g;s|__VERSION__|${version}|g;s|__VERSION_SHORT__|${version_short}|g;s|__PLATFORM__|${platform}|g;" } get_platform() { get_platform_${g_platform_pattern} } get_platform_custom() { echo "NOT USED" } get_platform_uname_c_x86_64() { echo "$(uname)_x86_64" } get_platform_uname_l_dash_amd64() { echo "$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')-amd64" } get_platform_uname_l_underscore_amd64() { echo "$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_amd64" } get_filename() { local version="$1" local platform="$2" local binary_name="$3" local version_short version_short=$(get_version_short "$version") # log DEBUG "version=${version}, version_short=${version_short}, binary_name=${binary_name}, platform=${platform}" echo "$g_filename_template" | sed "s/__VERSION__/${version}/g;s/__VERSION_SHORT__/${version_short}/g;s/__BINARY_NAME__/${binary_name}/g;s/__PLATFORM__/${platform}/g" } get_download_url() { local version="$1" local platform="$2" local binary_name="$3" local filename filename="$(get_filename "$version" "$platform" "$binary_name")" local version_short version_short=$(get_version_short "$version") # log DEBUG "version=${version}, binary_name=${binary_name}, platform=${platform}, filename=${filename}" echo "$g_download_url_template" | sed "s|__GITHUB_COORDINATES__|${g_github_coordinates}|g;s|__VERSION__|${version}|g;s|__VERSION_SHORT__|${version_short}|g;s|__FILENAME__|${filename}|g;" - + } - - readonly _tmp_download_dir="$(mktemp -d -t 'asdf_XXXXXXXX')" trap 'rm -rf "${_tmp_download_dir}"' EXIT install_tool "$ASDF_INSTALL_TYPE" "$ASDF_INSTALL_VERSION" "$ASDF_INSTALL_PATH" "$_tmp_download_dir" "$g_binary_name" "$g_binary_altname" "$g_downloaded_file_is_not_an_archive" ```

The files above have some formatting problems, you can use shfmt -w to fix them

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