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Can't find vmlinuz and Grub won't work #4

Closed catalincraciun closed 9 years ago

catalincraciun commented 9 years ago

Hello, I am trying to install linux on a Vensmile. I can get to the Grub screen but I can't find vmlinuz... I found it in /casper but is called vmlinuz.efi. Can't I use that? Also at the next step what to use? /dev/sdb? I made my usb using Rufus. I would appreciate if you could help me. Thank you.

lopaka commented 9 years ago

I do not have access to a Vensmile. Are you following the instructions on installing on an X205TA? If so, where is it failing?

catalincraciun commented 9 years ago

I have solved my problems by disabling Fast boot. You can close this now. Thank you.