loqui / im

Loqui IM allows you to use all your chat accounts in just one FirefoxOS or Ubuntu Touch app.
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[WhatsApp] App.exportData() does not include export of keys for decription... #1150

Open tibtab opened 7 years ago

tibtab commented 7 years ago

so I have to ask for adding me another time to all groups each time I install a new version. It would be very helpful, when the keys are exported.

PS: would it be possible to ask afer one hour or so another time for clear text message or the encrytion keys, to solve "DECRYPTION ERROR"?

Honk2 commented 7 years ago

If you install the distribution package, a new application id is generated on install, because it is a new install. This does not happen, if you upgrade from the same updated source like an app store or updated git repository.