loqui / im

Loqui IM allows you to use all your chat accounts in just one FirefoxOS or Ubuntu Touch app.
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corrected some errors in the italian translation #1160

Closed TronFortyTwo closed 7 years ago

TronFortyTwo commented 7 years ago

no less, no more

pharaone commented 7 years ago

there is an error in line 78, "imposibile" should be "impossibile"

pharaone commented 7 years ago

another error in line 79, "Autenticazisone" should be "Autenticazione"

TronFortyTwo commented 7 years ago

Ok. Sorry for my low attenction

pharaone commented 7 years ago

There is an error in line 70, what's up should be WhatsApp

pharaone commented 7 years ago

Nope, in line 70 What's App should be WhatsApp. Senza apostrofo e senza spazio

pharaone commented 7 years ago

Same in line 153

pharaone commented 7 years ago


TronFortyTwo commented 7 years ago

Sorry for all my errors