loqui / im

Loqui IM allows you to use all your chat accounts in just one FirefoxOS or Ubuntu Touch app.
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Loqui 0.5.12 doesn't start on FFOS 1.3 #1210

Closed ibinshoid closed 7 years ago

ibinshoid commented 7 years ago

I have installed loqui 0.5.12 on my Alcatel OTF with FFOS 1.3 on it. When it starts it askes for acess to my contact, after allowing it nothing happens any more. On the console in WebIde there are this messages:

SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier tools.js:347:6 SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier app.js:489:16 SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier activity.js:95:6 ReferenceError: App is not defined bindings.js:238 ReferenceError: Tools is not defined events.js:136 SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier xmpp.js:300:4 SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier coseme.js:2282:11 ReferenceError: App is not defined bindings.js:17

The same happens in the Simulator.

Honk2 commented 7 years ago

Yes you are right. At the moment 0.5.11 is the highest version running on FFOS. Some changes for 0.5.12 broke FFOS support. It is under investigation.

Honk2 commented 7 years ago

@ibinshoid 0.5.14 is released. This should fix the issue. Could you try, confirm and close this issue?

nfsprodriver commented 7 years ago

Sorry, need to publish the release here. I'll do this later today and close this issue...